Walking In the Dollhouse

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We walk down the street laughing until I spot the White House getting closer to me and my laughter dies down."What's wrong I've never seen someone get sad when they see their home"He says.

I stare at it from the distance until I feel 2 strong arms wrap around my waist and pull me towards him."w-what are u d-doing" i ask trying not to stutter.

"Are u scared of me Grace" My name falls from his lips and sounds perfect when he says it.My eyes shoot up and meet his."That's the first time you've said my name and u didn't call me Gracie like everyone else does"I mumble.

"Well u should know by now that I'm not like everyone else"He says and we stare at each other in the middle of the street.His eyes flicker down from my lips to then my eyes and I do the same.

The street is empty with only the street lights and stars shining our way.It was chilly and a bit windy but nun of it mattered.I didn't feel the wind,I didn't feel the world moving because I was with him.

We slowly moved in and I thought I was about to have my first kiss but he suddenly stopped "I-i can't do this"He said and moved away from me like I was some kind of disease.

I felt so embarrassed "ok"I turned around and started walking fast trying to get away from him.I felt like crying I was stupid to think he would like me.I held back my tears when I feel Nate grab my arm and turn me around.

"Wait hold up I didn't mean it like th-" But I Cut him off."It's ok, I'm not forcing you too like me" I yanked my arm away and kept walking .I feel him grab my forearm again,turned me around and pulls me towards him causing me to slam into his chest.

I stare down at the floor not wanting to make eye contact.He slides his thumb under my chin and pulls my head up and our eyes meet once again."Grace,I am a lot of things but I'm not a 2 timer"He says and I nod.

"Go inside I'll see you around" He gives me a smile and walks off.Down the street and slowly disappears into the darkness.I sigh and walk through our gate.

I slowly walk inside and open the door gently so no one could hear.Maybe I won't get into so much trouble.I slowly close the door and check the time 6:43.

"Were where u young Lady"I see mom,Dad and my brother on the steps staring me down."I was at school"I lie."No she wasn't she was with that misfit Todd told me she even defended him"My brother says.

He's a senior in high school and he's best friends with Todd.I should have known.My moms face goes white and she looks at me like I'm a pile of garbage.

"It's none of your business anyway"I shout at him with Sass."You see Dad she's not our Gracie he probably tricked your retarded mind into having sex with him already " he shouts back.

"Enough" my dads voice stern."You go to your room, and u and me need to have a talk"He points at me.

Angel //N.MWhere stories live. Discover now