The Find A Candle pt1

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I sat in class thinking about the one and only Nate.I sat alone,while everybody chatted away.Today louder than usual and it's because today there is a school event called the find a Candle.

I know that sounds extremely dumb but every year before valentines day they make this event where at around 7 when the sun is setting all the students go to the yard and at the beginning u get a candle with a special design lighting on top and u have to find the person that has the same one.

It's suppose to be super romantic and it's Definitely a tradition around here for people to find their significant other because they take it as an act of faith and destiny.

But I think it's a waste of time I mean I've never been to one but I don't think it has anything to do with destiny.

The bell rang for the 6th time today and I marched out of class with my books in my hand.Me and Billie walked home together.

The whole way Billie nagging me about going."Come on G it will be fun"she whines.This was our tradition she'd try to get me to go to this event every year but after two or three hours she'd give up and I would win.

"I'm not going Billie and that's final" I say and as if on time a voice calls after us."hey angel, Billie" of course it's Nate and his whole posse."Hey Nate can u help me out with her"Billie points to me and I roll my eyes.

I was suprised not to see Tanya here,actually thinking about it I haven't seen her in days.Nate turns his direction to me and bites his lip "what's going on"He asks Billie but staring at me.

"She won't go to the find a candle school event"she whines and I scoff."I won't go because it's dumb"I cross my arms like a kid."come on princess I thought out of all people you'd be a hopeless romantic"Sammy playfully puts his arm around my shoulders.

"What made u think that Samuel,I know nothing about romance"I giggle."I mean by the way you're always giving Nate a boner I guessed you'd knew maybe a lil somethin"Sam says and is immediately pushed by Nate who has a hard stare on him.

Everyone's laughing except for me and Nate who is blushing?I stand their with a confused face "what's a boner"I ask.Everyone stopped and looked at me like if I'm a dumb kid."You have got to be kidding me,it's when you-" but he's stopped by Nate clearing his throat 

"It's not important,the point is you should go,I'll be there"He said smiling."Just because you'll go doesn't automatically make me wanna go"I said confidently while the others whistled.I took a step forwards with my chin up so I at least looked average sized compared to him.But I failed.

He looked down at me with a smile on his face but also amused."listen angel u don't wanna play this game"he chuckled."why not" I asked raising an eyebrow.

In one swift motion he pulled me towards him,he had a firm grip on my waist,and his hot breathe fanning my neck. he slowly went towards my ear which caused me to stop breathing.

I had forgotten Billie,Sammy,and Derek were here.I felt his lips linger around my ear "because I'm better at it than u"he whispers and all my confidence melts away.

"Why don't you guys just fuck already"Sammy jokes."Sammy"I slap his arm."Sorry princess"He apologizes.

"So I'll see u later angel"he asks and I nod my head.We all say our goodbyes and head home.If i were  going to go to this I had to look better than usual .

I was driven insane by my closet.It was all skirts and dresses but today I wanted to be different when I got an idea.Billie's closet.I grabbed my bag and rushed down stairs."where do you think you're going young lady" my moms voice stopped me.

Dammit.I turned around slowly.Since my dad was on a trip to visit my sister in college with my brothers and my sis was at a sleepover.I was the only kid in the house.I didn't get to go because I came home late but I don't care my sister is coming in a week anyway.

But I thought mom was at work. Alright think of a lie quick "I was just going to Billie's house" I give the most innocent look ever."alright when are you coming back"She asked uninterested."umm actually I was hoping you would let me sleep over"I crossed my finges behind my back.

"Do you really think I should let you go after you coming late and hanging out with that demon child"now her full attention on me.I cringed when she called Nate that and I wanted to defend him but I was smarter than that.

"Come on mom I've been punished enough with the cleaning the house for 2 whole months,you not giving me a ride to school,and not letting me go to Boston to see my sister"I don't know why I was persuading her to go if I didn't even wanna go to this in the first place.

She thought about it for a while.She looked at me pushing a piece of her blonde hair behind her ear and placing her white glasses back into place."Alright fine you can go"she said and went back to her work.

I smiled brightly,did a little happy dance then shooted out the door.

*billie's home*
"You have to wear something bad ass today"she winks at me."Why" I roll my eyes."You might find your soulmate today plus Nate will be there"she says.

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