She's back pt2

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Grace's POV
I went upstairs to pack my very conservative swimsuit that covered everything up.I packed beach essentials and headed into Nate's car.

In the car he put on this band called The Neighbourhood.I thought I wasn't gonna like it because it wasn't Christian music but it was actually really good.

On are way there I hummed along to the music since I didn't know the lyrics when I felt a hand sit on my thigh.I smiled to myself knowing it was Nate but I acted as if I didn't notice.

I then placed my hand on his and rubbed my thumb on the side of his hand.I didn't know what I was doing or where these actions came from.I just did what felt right.

After a while he interlocked our hands till we got to the beach.As we got out we were greeted by everyone.Nate bro hugged everyone and side hugged Billie "Ayyyy Grace you're here to" Sam greets me.

I hugged him "I wouldn't be standing here if I wasn't" I mocked while laughing.Everyone ooo's because of my sassy remark.

"Oh no you did not just say that to me,Nate come get yo girl" he says and my cheeks turn a deep red and so does Nate's "Nate Maloley blushes,what the fück" Sammy says stunned.Nate gives him a serious look "shut the fùck up Sam" he warns and Sammy puts his hands up in defense.

"BABY" Billie screams as she emerges from the guys to come hug me.I hug her really tight as if I hadn't seen her in years.

"Anyways we are gonna go put on are swimsuits k boys we will be right back" she grabs my hand and drags me to the changing tents in front of the beach.

"So you came with Nate in the car,did y'all do anything" She lifts her eyebrows up in down with a smirk on her face.

"No" I lie.after a second of studying me she laughs,"you might be able to lie to your parents now but not to me" she says and I roll my eyes "ok something did happen but I'll tell you later it's a long story" I say.

"Wow I thought we told each other everything" she says hurt.I felt bad but then remembered something "Ya kinda like you didn't tell me you were dating Derek" I snapped back and her face went blank.

"Ok were even" she says and by now we have both put on are swim wear.She had on this revealing two piece black bikini that hugged her body perfectly.

I on the other hand had a loose romper styled blue one piece that showed nothing what's so ever.

I turn to Billie "oh hells nah you are no way in hell wearing that" she exaggerated.I sigh "I'm not crazy about it either but it's the only thing I have" my parents burly took us to the beach when we were little.

"You are so lucky I brought back up" she says as she pulls out a white bikini that exposed to much for my liking "are you insane,wearing that is a sin" I state simply looking at the pieces of clothing.

" I'm okay with this" I say before walking out

Nate's POV
We were waiting for the girls to get dressed while we chilled out in front of the tents .We were in a little circle talking when I felt to hands slide around my waist and both Sam's and Derek's eyes widened.

At first I smiled at the thought of my little angel's hands wrap around me "hey baby girl" I say softly.but this did not feel like her soft sweet touch that sent chillls down my body at all.This touch was cold and rough,let's just say I was not liking it.

"SUPRISE SEXY,AWWW YOUVE NEVER CALLED ME BABY GIRL BEFORE,you've really missed me" I Heard an annoying voice screech and I immediately shut my eyes cringing.I turned around and my nightmare stood in front of me.

"Tanya,hey" I awkwardly scratch the back of my neck.Her smile now turned into a frown "what happened to baby girl" she puts her hands on my hips and kisses me which doesn't feel like Grace's kisses at all.With my little angel it meant something and it was addicting,this was just plain and weird .

Grace's POV
I was about to walk out the tent when I see Billie peaking out the tent "uh oh" she says.I wonder what she's looking at "what's wrong" I ask as I don't let her tell me while I peak outside the tent too.

Anger and jealousy started to built up when I saw her.Yup the only girl that could ruin my life at this moment was her and of course she'd show up.She was kissing him too!!

I didn't know what to feel.On one hand I was angry at her for showing up here and kissing him and he just stood there and let her.One the other hand he wasn't mine and that saddened me.

"That fúcken bitch" I say and quickly gasp at myself and so does Billie.Her mouth is wide open and so are her eyes "did u just-did u just curse" she yelled shocked.

"I don't know,did I " I panicked,"yes,yes you did" she yelled back.What is becoming of me?we stayed silent and still for a few seconds before I took a deep breathe and snatched the white bikini from Billie's hand,stepping back to change.

"I thought wearing that was a sin" she calls after me.I kept walking ignoring her mocking "well I'm already going to hell did you not hear what just came out of my mouth"I respond.

"Ughhh she's driving me insane,let's see what happens" I think to myself before pulling my bikini bottom up.

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