Chapter 5

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Date: August 24, 1993

Michael's POV

Today, the 2nd leg of my tour is kicking off in Bangkok, Thailand I'm already dressed and we have about an hour until show time

As for Shayne, me and her have been talking on the phone, at least once a day, for the last two months I'm not trying to rush back into anything, I'm just happy that she's talking to me again

Julie: Mike.?

(I turned around and looked at her)

Michael: Hey Jules

Julie: You ready for tonight.?

Michael:(Smirks) Beyond ready How about you.?

Julie: I'm a nervous wreck.!

Michael:(Laughs) Why.? You don't have to get on stage

Julie: I know but I just have this feeling that something bad is gonna happen tonight so I've just been trying to keep my eye out

Michael: Well, thank you but I'm sure that everything will be fine

(She opened her mouth to say something but the ringing of her phone cut her off. She pulled it out and answered it. She smiled and looked at me)

Julie: Its for you

(I raised my eyebrow and grabbed the phone.)

Michael: Hello.?

Shayne: Hey Applehead

Michael:(Smiles) Shayne, hey.! What are you doing.? I thought you were at that art gallery thing

Shayne: I am but I snuck away to call you and tell you good luck on the show tonight

(I smiled. It made me feel kinda special that she called just to wish me luck.)

Michael: Thank you beautiful I appreciate it

(We talked on the phone for about 40 more minutes when Julie tapped my shoulder.)

Julie:(Mouths) You gotta get going

(I nodded and she left the room. I sighed into the phone)

Shayne: What's wrong.?

Michael: I have to go The show is about to start

Shayne: Aw, OK Call me after you get back to the hotel

Michael: Shayne, it might be late by that time

Shayne: I don't care You call me and tell me how the show went

Michael:(Laughs) Alright I will

Shayne: Good...... Bye Michael

Michael: Bye Shay

(I hung up the phone and stood up. I walked out of my dressing room and saw Julie waiting on me.)

Julie: Took you long enough

Michael: Whatever Here

(I handed her the phone back. We walked backstage where the crew, band, and dancers were. We said a quick prayer and got in our positions. At exactly 8, I popped up on the stage and the crowd went wild. I smiled. Showtime.!!!!)

Two Hours Later

I stood smiling as the platform lowered me into the floor of the stage After it came to a stop, I crawled out and ran into my dressing room

Michael: Julie, did you see.?! The show was amazing.!!

(I hugged her tightly but I realized that she wasn't hugging back. I pulled away and saw that tears were running down her face.)

Michael: Jules, what's wrong.? Is someone hurt.?

Julie: No, everyone's fine but..... there's something I need to tell you

Michael: Well, I'm sure it's not bad enough for you to be crying like this

Julie: That's the thing: It IS that bad.!

(She sniffed and wiped her face with her sleeve.)

Julie: Michael,........ you've been accused of child molestation

(I just looked at her and blinked.)

Michael: Jules, that's not funny Now, tell me what's really wrong.?

Julie: Michael, I'm not kidding.!! You remember Jordan Chandler, right.?

(I thought for a while and then nodded. He was a 13 year old boy who came to Neverland all the time.)

Julie: Him and his father are accusing you of molesting him

(All of a sudden, I became woozy and then...... everything just blacked out)

Shayne's POV 2:54am

I know that Michael said he would call me late but this is ridiculous I was in the living room, laying on the couch and flipping through the channels I stopped when I saw a breaking news thing pop up on the screen

Announcer: This breaking news just in.! The King of Pop, Michael Jackson, has been accused of molesting a 13 year old boy The boy's father, Evan Chandler, has accused him of sexually molesting his son multiple times and demands payment from the singer No statement has yet been issued by Jackson's camp We'll keep you guys posted as this case progresses

(If I said that my jaw didn't hit the floor, I'd be lying.! I can't believe this.! Michael would never do anything like this.! I jumped up and grabbed the phone, dialing Julie's number. It rang a couple of times before she answered.)

Julie:(Annoyed) Look, we are not giving out any comments right now.!!!

Shayne: Julie, it's me

Julie: Oh, I'm sorry Shayne.!! Reporters, magazines, and TV shows have been calling me non stop.!!

Shayne: I can imagine.! I just heard about it.! How's Michael doing.?

Julie: He's in the hospital

Shayne: What.?! Why, what happened.?!

Julie: After the show, I went to him and just told it to him straight At first, he didn't believe but I said it again He saw that I wasn't kidding and he blacked out

Shayne: Oh my god.!! Well, what are you gonna do.?

Julie: My 1st concern is Michael and making sure that he's emotionally stable Then, we have to worry about how this is going to affect the tour

Shayne: Yeah

(I sat there for a minute when an idea popped in my head.)

Shayne: Julie, where are you guys.?

Julie: In Bangkok Why.?

Shayne: I'm on my way

Julie:(Smiles) You know, I think Michael will love that

Shayne: I do too I'll get there as soon as possible

Julie: Ok

(We hung up and I went to my room. I pulled out two suitcases and started to throw clothes in them. I didn't even think about anything else. The only thing on my mind was that Michael needed me and I was on my way.)

Really emotional, right.? Well, get used to it because that's how the next couple chapters are.! Please comment, vote, and fan.!!! Thanks.!! ♥♥♥♥

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