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Alternating between the newspaper in your hand and the house that stood in front of you, you clung to your bag and approached the door.

You were finally kicked out of your parents' house, but without enough money to buy a place of your own, you had no other choice but to rent out a room; you hated feeling like a leech, but hey,  beggars can't be choosers.

Knock Knock

It was opened by a smiley brunette wearing a green hoodie.

" Hi! I'm,, here about the room?" You trailed off; the dude's face lit up.

" Oh! Come in." He grinned, moving to the side, allowing you in. You strolled in, looking either side of you, taking it all in; it was a pretty nice place. You stopped.

" Ah fuck, I almost forgot!" You thought aloud, before holding out your hand. " I'm (Y/N)."

" Edd." He replied, taking your and and shaking it gladly. You heard footsteps and a voice.

" Edd, who was at the door?" It called out; it was deeper than Edd's, and had a slightly gruff tone. You looked up to see someone leaning over the banister of the staircase; they were a man with brown spiked-up hair, a blue hoodie and no eyes. That last detail shocked you, and your gaze lingered a little longer than intended.

" Holy shit..." You muttered, your lips twitching into a smile. The strange guy quirked an eyebrow.

" ... You alright?" He asked, getting a little irritated.

" Dude you look sick!" You grinned, getting on your tippy toes to get closer to his face. His cheeks were dusted a subtle pink (probably from the close proximity)  when he awkwardly coughed into his hand.

" I'm Tom." He greeted, moving off the stairs and next to you.

" (Y/N)." You said, bringing your arms behind your back. Edd strolled over to the sofa and plopped down.

" Well, Matt and Tord are out at the moment, so wanna watch a movie?" He suggested; you shrugged, and you and Tom joined him.

(A/N) Sorry it's kinda short?? Idk just a quick intro I guess lmao

Fuck's sake (Tom x reader x Tord)Where stories live. Discover now