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" So he's ginger, very full of himself, and..."

" Not the smartest." Tom finished for you. You hummed in thought.

" And what's Tord like?" You asked; the spikey haired brunette made a face of disapproval.

" I hate him; he's an absolute CUNT to me. He's this Norwegian guy with a red hoodie and a hentai addiction." Tom spat, folding his arms. " Even his hair looks like demon horns!"

Jeez, sounds like a lot of pent-up aggression.

Edd went to pick up Matt and Tord from... wherever they were... and you were left with Tom; you took this as a chance to find out about the other two mystery roommates. The two of you were interrupted by the sound of the door unlocking and opening.

" We're back!" The familiar voice of Edd alerted. Two guys walked over to where you and Tom sat, the man in red giving you a strange look.

" Who... is this?" He asked no one in particular, pointing at you.

" This is (Y/N); they're our new roommate." Tom informed, shooting the other a dirty look before taking a swig from his canteen. The ginger one jumped forward with a huge grin.

" Hi I'm Matt!!" He greeted suddenly. He was quite loud, but seemingly rather cheerful. Matt was gently pushed aside to allow the red man to step forward and towards you, a suave smirk plastered on his face. With one arm behind his back, he bent over slightly and took your hand in his.

" I am Tord; wonderful meeting you." He smiled, briefly touching the back of your hand to his lips, then almost instantly putting it back down. Tom grumbled as he reluctantly watched the display, gripping his canteen tightly.

" So... anyone for a horror movie??" Matt chimed in, waving around a new DVD. Everyone seemed to be up for it, so he popped in the disc and went to grab some popcorn. As the start menu played, you realised it was (horror movie).

" (Horror movie)? I thought that it's supposed to be utter shit?" You pointed out casually. Tord plopped down next to you and grinned.

" Don't worry; I'm sure it'll scare the fuck out of you sissies." He said with an arrogant tone, gesturing to you and Tom. You scoffed.

" Wanna bet?" You challenged; he cocked an eyebrow in response.

" Depends; what are you putting down?"

" £10 says Tom and I won't get scared of your stupid piss party of a movie." You offered, pulling a tenner out of your pocket and waving it in his face; the red man mocked thought then flashed you a toothy grin.

" Deal." He agreed, poking your cheek teasingly. Tom leaned in front of you and shoved his finger in his face.

" You're on commie." He spat.

" Don't get too cocky jehovas witness." Tord spat back. You pushed Tom back to his seat as Matt re-entered with his food and started the film.


As another jump-scare was shown, you tried desperately to keep your composure; Tom and Edd fell asleep twenty minutes in and Matt was hiding behind the sofa, so it was just you and Tord left. The man didn't even seem phased by the scares, and made little excited grunts or noises everyone now and then. You thought you were going to be able to make it, until suddenly.. jump scare. You screeched and hid your face in the closest thing to you; strangely enough, the 'closest thing to you' just happened to be Tord's hoodie. He chuckled and locked an arm around you.

" What's wrong (Y/N), scared?" He teased. You dug your face further into the soft material, ignoring the embarrassment you were feeling.

" Shut up." You mumbled, your speech muffled by his clothes.

Looks like you owed Tord £10.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2017 ⏰

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