Chapter 17

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As the battle goes on, I continue killing vampires left and right. I was roughly tackled to the ground. I look up and realized it was N who attacked me. "N??" I asked. "Your so stupid. You really thought we loved you didn't you?" He asked. "What are you saying??" I asked trembling with fear.

Vixx walked over to my side and bent next down to me. "Why do you think we were so nice after we met the queen? We had a private talk and discussed that I'd would be better if you went down with you brothers and their wolf pack." Hongbin said.

"We never loved you. Everything was a lie. It was a setup for the queen. She's the one we really love, not you." Hyuk said. He grabbed the stake I had in my hands and placed it over my heart. "N?" I asked crying. "Bye." He said and pushed the stake through my heart.

"AHHH!" I shouted and quickly raise up. "Jang-Mi..." someone muttered. I look over and see Hyuk sitting up in bed next to me. I start crying and burrow my head into his chest. "Shhh. It's okay. We're here." He said trying to calm me down. The others started to stir as I cried louder. "Hyuk what happened?" N asked panicky. "Bad dream." He said. "Another one?" Ken asked.

"You guys were there and you said your love for me wasn't real. It was a set up by the queen and I was staked in the heart." I told them. "Our love for you isn't fake Jang-Mi." Ravi said. "We wouldn't be helping your brothers and you train if it was a set up by the queen." Leo added. "I know." I told them.

"I don't want to even train today.." I say rolling back over. "You have too. We have two days." N said. I groan into my pillow and raise up. "Hand me my clothes.." I told them. "No." Hongbin said sternly. "Waeee??" I whine. Using his vampire speed, he crossed the room and pinned me down on the bed. His face was inches away from mine. "Hongbin.." I say sighing.

"Guess what?" He said. "Mhm?" "Tonight is a full moon, which means your brother's pack will transform and go for a run. Otherwise, we have the whole house to us. So you can be as loud as we want." He said placing sloppy kisses on my neck. "Really now?" I said raising an eyebrow. "Too bad." I say rolling out from underneath him.

"Are you being hard to get?" N asked. "What if I am?" I say putting on my clothes. I slid on my tshirt and was pushed against the nearest wall by Ken. "It won't work." Ken growled. "Too bad." I told him once more. I pushed him away and grab my pants. I walked into the hallway and walk into my room to check on Rebecca.

I knocked and waited. "Come in." Someone said. I opened the door and looked inside. "Hey.." I told her. She yawned and looked at the time. "Do you usually get up this late?" She asked. "When ur dating vampires and have wolves as brothers you get used to it." I told her. She nods and completely sits up.

"How's your wounds?" I asked her. "I'm already feeling better." She said. "Good. So when do you want us to take you home?" I asked her. "Actually...I don't have a home." She said. "Really? Your really pretty so I don't see why you don't have a home." I told her.

"Well I got fired from my job. Neither of my parents had a job so I was the one supporting us. They got mad at me and my dad hit me. He kicked me out of the house and I don't have friends." She said tearing up. I gave her a hug and tried to comfort her.

"Jang-Mi.." someone said behind me. We both raised up and looked toward the door. "Umm..hey." I said to Chanyeol. "Can I talk to you?" He asked. "Uh yeah. I'll be back." I told Rebecca. She nodded as I walked into the hallway. I closed the door and look toward Chanyeol.

"What's up?" I asked him. "Something's wrong with Suho." He told me. "What do you mean something's wrong with Suho?" I asked him. "He's not acting like his self." Chanyeol said. "Explain." I told him. "He's not his usually being abusive type. He's been keeping himself in his room and barley has been eating."

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