Chapter 36

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"Go away!" I screamed toward the girl. "But mommy." She cried. "Shut up!" I cried out. I collapsed on the ground and covered my ears. "I watched you die right in front of me!" I screamed. Her eyes turned red and she charged me. I tried to react but I only fell back down.

She jumped on me and grabbed my neck. I threw her off and started to run. "Leave me alone!" I cried out. Once again, she grabbed my neck and bit down on my neck.

I jolted awake and collided heads with Ken. He woke up holding his head and I was holding mine. "What the hell?" He groaned. "I'm so sorry." I pleaded. "Nightmare?" He asked. "I had a dream about the baby." I sighed. I grabbed the pillow and covered my face.

"What time is it?" I groan. "It's 8 pm." He said. I lifted my head to see everyone else was gone. "Where's the others?" I asked. "They went to eat." He said. I nodded and laid back down. "Are you hungry?" He asked. "A little bit but nothing major." I told him. "Come to the bathroom with me." He said.

"But I'm comfortable." I said. "Come on. I don't want blood on the bed." He chuckled. I got up and walked to our private bathroom. He picked me up and sat me on the counter. He slipped off his shirt and sat it beside me. "Okay." He said. He leaned in and I took a bite from his neck.

I took a couple mouth fills of blood and pulled away. "Guys!" I heard a voice enter the bedroom. "In here." Ken said. The other five walked into the bathroom to see what was going on. "Morning." I said. "There's blood all over your face." Ravi laughed.

I lifted my wrist and wiped my face. "How are you feeling?" N asked. "No different." I told them. "Also, we decided that your not fighting anymore." Hyuk said. "What?? Why??" I asked frantically. "Cause your carrying my child and I'm not risking it if something happens to you or my child." Hongbin quickly said.

"I'm still helping." I told them. "No your not. You can't." Hongbin said. I groan and jumped off the counter. I went into our room and plopped down on the bed. I changed into sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt and walked down stairs. "N!" Chanyeol yelled. "Yah?" He said.

"We killed 15 of the kings minions. They were in the back yard this morning." Sehun said. "Are you serious??" I asked. "We took em in the woods and burned their bodies. We think their trying to plan something now." Xiumin said. "For crying out loud." I groan. "How are you feeling sis?" Chanyeol said. "Like shit." I told him.

"I feel useless. I can't fight or help in any way." I sat up and faced everyone. "You are not useless." Sehun said. "You just need to focus on yourself right now." Xiumin said. "Oh my god! Why didn't you just wear a condom??" I asked Hongbin. "Are you blaming me??" Hongbin asked. "Your the one who wanted it!" I yelled at him.

"Okay moving on!" Chanyeol yelled and glared at me. I stuck out my tongue at him and laid back down. "So it isn't safe anymore to run around." Hongbin said. "Yeah." Chanyeol said. "Well there goes my freedom." I groaned. "Where's Rebecca??" I groan into the pillow.

"Why are you so moody?" Xiumin laughed. "You try being pregnant and feeling worthless!" I yelled at him. "Geez. Okay." He said. I grabbed the pillow and covered my face again. "Rebecca!" I yelled into the pillow. "I'm right here." She said. I raised up to see her in Suho's arms.

"Let lover boy go and come here!" I looked at Suho's face and he didn't want to let her go. "Oh my god. She's gonna be in front of you just let her go." Everyone was so amused by how I was acting. "Guys!" Kyungsoo yelled. "Chen and I just spotted more of the kings minions in the back yard." He said.

"Oh my god." All of them except Rebecca and I ran out into the back yard. "I feel worthless." I sulked into the couch. "You'll be okay. Their strong enough. They shouldn't need need our help." Rebecca said. "So much is happening that my head is hurting." I groan.

"You have groaned so much since you've been down here." Rebecca laughed. "Shut up I'm not in the mood." I laughed. "But yet your laughing." She said. I flipped on the tv but I couldn't focus cause I was thinking about the boys. About an hour later, the finally came back.

"They ran off before we could catch them." Tao said. I nodded and finally focused in on the tv. Hongbin raised my head up and sat down. He laid my head on his lap and watched tv with me. Everyone plopped down some where in the living room.

"You know. If we're all gonna live here together, we're gonna need bigger furniture." I said. "It's gonna get old sitting in the floor." I explained. "Agreed." Sehun said. "How much life insurance money is left over from our parents?" I asked. "Around 10,000." Chanyeol said. "That's enough to fix the house up some." I said.

"We can go during daytime. Vamps won't be out then." Chanyeol said. "We need one of those huge couches that look like a L." I said. "We could get like 2 of those and put them together. Then get a couple recliners." Sehun suggested. "That'll do. Get something that'll match with the living room." I pointed out.

"Take Rebecca. A girls instinct is always the best." I said. "Is not." Chen said. "Is too." I relied back. "Why am I so tired?" I asked myself. "I'm hungry too." I complained. "You just ate." Hongbin laughed. "But I'm hungryyy." I moan.

"Your turn." N said to Hongbin. "What?" Hongbin asked. "You did it to her. Your turn to feed her." N said. "Ugh fine." He complained. I slapped his arm causing him to jerk back. "What was that for?" He whined. "Stop being so moody." I scolded him. "Your the one to talk." He scolded back.

I bolted off the couch but he reacted quickly. He ran up the stairs and I quickly ran after him. "Be careful!" N yelled. I ran after him into the bedroom. He hid behind the door but I quickly caught him. "Okay I'm sorry." He gave up. "Promise?" I asked. "Promise." He laughed.

"Here." He said. I bit into his neck and drained his blood. "Thanks." I said. "Are you feeling better?" He asked. "Yeah, but I'm still tired though." I told him. "I'll lay here with you." He said. He shut the door and slipped off his shirt. I changed into my short pjs and a tank top and laid down.

"Come here." He said. "Why?" I asked. "Just shut up and do it." He did. I scooted closer to him and laid there. He propped hisself up on his shoulder and rolled my tank top up. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Hush." He said. He kissed my belly and smiled. "What in the world?" I asked.

"I'm excited. I know your still young, even though your never gonna age again, and we have a lot going on, but trust in me." Hongbin said kissing my belly again. "Your so cheesy." I laughed. "But you love me." He smiled. "Also just so you know, your giving Birth to it here." He said.

"What!!" I quickly raised up. "Your a vampire and humans don't know about us so you'll have to birth it here." He said. "You sure have a way of ruining everything." I half yelled at him. "I love you." He smiled. "Shut up."

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