Chapter 20

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After we reached home, we waited on the wolves. After a bit, the wolves finally caught up. We all walked inside the house waking mom and dad up in the process. They quickly rush downstairs to see us all beaten up.

"Oh my god! Are you all okay??" Mom asked. She quickly rushed to me and stopped when she seen my eyes. "Y-o-ur eyes." She stuttered. I slightly smile and hugged her. "I had no other choice." I told her. "I know." She said hugging me back. "I'm proud of you all." Dad said.

We all smile and say our thank you's. "Jang-Mi.. Can I talk to you?" Suho asked. "Umm... yeah. I guess." I say. We walked to a empty room away from everyone. "Speak.." I glare at him. " I just wanted you to know I'm sorry. I don't know what I was acting like that. Please forgive me. I know it might take some time but please just forgive me." He said.

"If your willing to make it up then I'll forgive you." I say with a slight smile. "Thanks." He mumbled walking away. "No problem." I stand there and watched him walk away. I sigh and walked outside into the backyard.

I decided to walk to the pond by Vixx's house. I still had an hour left until dawn. Using my speed, I rush to the pond. I sit down on the edge and slide my feet into the water. I wonder what my new life will be like. I will live forever, be young forever, and I get to be with Vixx forever, but won't that get old?

I heard the leaves crumble behind me. I could smell easily that it was Leo. "Hey.." he mumbled. "Hey." I smile and stand up. I walk over to him and hugged him. "I'm glad your okay." He said stroking my hair. "I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was doing." I told him.
"We understand." He said. "I love you." I told him.

I looked up and met eyes with him. He raised his hand and placed it under my chen. He brought his face closer to mine and placed our lips together. He kissed me softly but it got a little heated. He pulled away and kissed my forehead. "It's getting close to dawn. Let's go." He said.

We ran to the house and walked in. "Motherfucker!" I shouted. "I keep forgetting about Rebecca!" I yelled. "I'm okay." She said walking out of the kitchen. "I'm really sorry. I haven't been a good friend." I told her. "It's okay. New start right?" She said. I smile and nodded. "But for now, I need sleep or I'm gonna burn from the sun." I laughed.

She smiled and nodded. "Night.." I told her. I walked upstairs to Vixx's room. I opened the door and walked in. Vixx was already laying down. "Hey.." I mumbled. "I'm really sorry." I say putting my head down. "It's okay Jang-Mi." Ravi said walking to me and pulling me into a hug.

"It's our fault. We shouldn't have left you." He said. "At least our lives can be normal." Hyuk said. "Yeah.." I mumbled. "It's almost dawn." Ken said. I nodded and walked to bed collapsing. "No!" Hongbin half shouted. "Don't!" I groan.

"Jang-Mi.." he threatened me while pointing his finger. "Touch me and I'll electrify you." I threatened back. "Okay then." He said. I start to fall asleep but in the matter of seconds, i was pinned up against the wall. "Strip." He said.

"No." I smirked. I quickly grabbed his arm and pried it from my waist. I twisted his arm around his back and our faces were close together. "I'm not used to you being this strong." Hongbin said smirking. "Enough playing you all. Suns coming up." N said.

I let go of Hongbin and climbed into bed. Hyuk and Ken slid into the covers beside me while the others were in the floor. "Night guys." I tell them. "Night babe." They all say. I closed my eyes and my body drifted asleep as the sun rose over ahead.

"You thought it was over didn't you?" A voice in my head said. "What are you talking about?" I quickly asked not knowing where I am. "Over here." The voice said. I turn my head and face the queen.

"But your dead.." I say wide eyed. "I am dead...but the kings not." She said smiling. I started to shake and looked at her. "His army will be much bigger than mine and he's 10,000 years older than me. Good luck." She said waving.

"He doesn't stand a chance against us." I told her trying to sound brave. "Oh really now?" She said turning back around. "You'll see. On the first day of winter." She said leaving. Once she was gone, I collapsed on the floor.

"Jang-Mi.." someone mumbled. I turn to see Vixx's, Exo's and my parents bodies laying on the floor. The floor and wall was splattered with blood. I feel sick and fall over. I fell into a puddle of blood. I look beside me and see that the blood belongs to Chanyeol.

"No! Please don't leave my yeolie!" I begged. "Chanyeol!" I screamed. No answer. I rush to my parents but they were long gone. I scream and scream hoping this wasn't true. "You could've saved them." Someone behind me said. I turn around to face a tall man.

He was at least 6'5 or more and had black hair. He was in a bloody suit and tie. "You did this!" I shouted. "They deserved it." He said. I rushed to him and choke slam him. "Shouldn't have done that." He said. He grabbed my neck and squeeze it tightly.

"Bye Jang-Mi." He said staking me in the heart.

"Fuck!" I raised up and fell into the floor. I realized it was just all a dream and sighed. "Jang-Mi.." Hyuk said waking up. "Are you okay?" He asked climbing out of bed. "He's coming for us!" I panicked rushing to Hyuk.

"Who?" Ravi said waking up. "She said we don't stand and chance. He's ancient and big and..." "Who!" Hongbin half yelled.

"The king."

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