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Hi! Sorry for annoying you. Before I just wanting to make some things clear. The art belongs to Pinkkitty05, not me. This story does not exactly align with the real one of the Vacktors. A lot of this contains both theories and events that don't actually happen on the magical land of Red's YouTube channel (Check him out he cool YouTube.com/redvacktor)

Also, huge that's to
On Wattpad for inspiring this
And to
Lea Williams (56Minecraft)
Cody vampworm
TrueBoomer 1
Spookytheskeleton 431
Madeline Louise Mullins
Rosie Rute Rosesarepink
The Elven Doodler
Milky Boi
On YouTube for really putting these theories together and also offering their own. You're all awesome including you readers! Okay, Storytime!

{Canceled} The Vacktors' Story (Fanfic + Theories)Where stories live. Discover now