Four: "Struck by the Sun"

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      Yellow and Blue ended up in the room Sky and Barney prepared for Preston a week ago. He decided to live outside in the backyard when he moved "in", so the room turned out to be free.

    Before, Yellow's attempt to get Blue and Red to talk failed miserably. The two stared awkwardly at each other until Blue burst out crying from the eye contact. Sky offered the room and there they were, with Blue crying into Yellow's arm as they sat on the edge of the bed.

    Yellow had frozen up. He didn't like the feeling that filled him when he heard Blue crying. It was a weird negative energy unlike the one of happiness that he was so familiar- and content, with. Desperate to stop it, his eyes darted around the room for some kind of distraction. A small golden clock caught Yellow's attention. He assumed it was put there by Sky as he had found out that Sky was obsessed with "budder."

Yellow was also fond of the color of the clock. It was yellow, so he immediately appreciated it anyway. One part wasn't yellow, however. The three hands, minute, second, and hour, were all a contrasting dark purple. Each one felt as if it were moving slower and slower by the second to Yellow as he watched them.

In a few minutes, it did work as a distraction because the world around him seemed to fade away as he stared at the clock unknowingly. Sound was absent. Soon, just his blank gaze that left nothing for him except a blurry mix of yellow and purple remained.

A massive flash of lightning lit up the sky and a bigger boom of thunder followed it. Startled, Yellow jumped back into reality. The small hour hand was somehow at the four instead of the three and the sun outside shone brighter through the curtains than it normally would in a storm. Or, atleast from what he knew it did.

Curiosity controlled him as he stood up, carefully freed himself from Blue who cried himself to sleep on Yellow's arm, and stepped outside of the room. He practically jumped down the stairs and ran outside. "Woo pro ninja!" He yelled once around ten feet into the front yard.

The wet grass crunched under Yellow's feet and the water from it soaked the fabric of the onesie that covered them. Rain water quickly did the same to the rest of his onesie. He noticed a a weird beam of light in front of him. "So that was why it was so bright!" Yellow said to himself, feeling smart.
Seeing as it looked like there was no rain inside of the perfect circle it made, he slowly took a few steps closer. Glancing above, the blinding sun shone regally in the middle of clouds that made an ombré from a bright white to a dark gray around it.

Yellow had never seen anything like it. Maybe this all was normal, and if so, he thought he'd never get tired of it.

His feet picked up speed, approaching the light faster until finally, it was right in front of him. Little yellow sparks flew around inside the huge beam of sunlight. Yellow cautiously reached his arm out and put his palm up. There was an electric-like sensation on his skin. He stepped fully inside and twirled around with a smile. He looked back up at the sky one last time as lighting struck him and everything went black.


MeAnWhIlE *Magical transition*

    "GREEN I SWEAR IF YOU DON'T OPEN THIS DOOR!" Pink screamed. She curled her hands into tight fists.

     Green replied nonchalantly. "What do you swear?"


   "You're paying for both of those things."

   Pink was breathing heavily in rage. "ONCE YOU'RE DEAD, I'LL USE YOUR MONEY!"

     "Calm down. And I don't even have any money. Go make some at your job."


     "Well who's fault is that?"


     Green mocked her, knowing he was safe from Pink's sight on the opposite side of the door. "You swear again."

      "AGHHHHH!" The door crashed down and Pink came flying through it. She ran at Green and pinned him against the wall.

      "Dude what the heck? Get off! You're being ridiculous." Green struggled beneath her grip, yet stayed calm.

     Pink laughed manically. "Oh, I'm being ridiculous? Okay!"

     "Yes, yes you are." Green gave a smug look towards Pink. She stared furiously back.

     "Give me a good reason why I shouldn't kill you right here and now?" Pink screeched. She paused and then added, "And don't you dare try to be smart with me."

"Because you aren't meant to kill me and that's really not cool if you do. Aren't we supposed to be the same person? It's just weird. Plus, you're a girl and you have cooties so you're gross."

Pink stared at him, unimpressed and annoyed. She let him go and stood up. Her facial expression got exaggeratedly angry, and then broke into a laugh. "You did not just bring up cooties."

"I did." Green said matter-of-factly. "They're real."

"No they're- Pfft. Okay sure. Believe whatever you want. I'm not fighting with you over whether cooties are real or not. Seeya." Pink sassily walked over the door she knocked onto the floor and out the doorway that still held its hinges

Once downstairs, the absence of the other two Vacktors hit her. "Green..? Did you hear if Blue or Yellow left?"

"What? No I only heard you screaming at me."

"I'm serious, Green." Pink's voice was suddenly softer and shakier.



"I'll try to update as soon as possible " I SAID AS I TAKE MONTHS. In other words, sorry for the delay in updates. Schools almost out so I should be able to get these out faster. Thank you again for reading this far (AND FOR 400 VIEWS I JUST SAW THAT TYSM!) and have a great day/night! Oh, and here's a beautiful picture of Green's face.

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