Three: How to Say Hello ft. Yellow

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      By now, the rain clouds surrounding the sun had moved out of its rays' path. Each bunched up into more compact clouds that let rain fall heavier than before. The sun was left in a clear, perfect circle and the wind couldn't blow the rain into it. Not rain, not wind, not thunder, not lightning, nothing could go into the light. The patch of grass that was hit with the sunlight shone with a slight yellowish glow, as if there were fireflies in it. But there wasn't any, because nothing could disturb it. Nature thought so at least.

     Red pushed his ginger-red hair out of view of his tired eyes. He stared blankly at his laptop, which was an Apple Mac, and zoned out the world around him. Next to him on the desk was a cup of seven different colored pens. He glanced at them. Earlier that day he had used them to take notes on the Vacktors, as he decided to call the clones. Searching for a magenta pen to take notes for Magenta wasn't worth the time, he could've just used pink, but Red found one eventually anyway.

     He placed his head on his arms, and closed his eyes for a minute. Footsteps quickly alerted him. "Barney what are you doing n-"


     "WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH!" Red yelled, suddenly feeling fully awake. "Yellow? What are you doing here?!" His eyes met with the yellow figure's, who was standing uncomfortably close to him. His hand blindly reached for whichever pen was closest, and threw it. The cup fell over and sent the other six pens falling off the table.

     Yellow ducked before the flying pen could hit him. "Hi, I'm Yellow! I'm pretty sure we met before but I'm introducing myself again! You are so so so so so so so cool and I really really wanted to say hi bro!"

     "It's been literally two or three days. Is the house not working out or something?" Red slammed laptop shut and pushed his chair back from the desk, trying to get further away.

    "Nah it's cool. I just wanted to say hi!" Yellow said cheerfully and smiled. "So what are you doing down here?" Curiosity sounded in his voice. He jumped on top of the desk and over, oblivious to how much he was scaring Red.

     Red nearly screamed. His eyes spotted the small gun on the ground that he had used on his failed emotion experiments in previous weeks. He launched himself off the chair, sending it crashing into the wall next to it, as he rolled on the floor. 

     The fabric of his own red onesie
provided a shield against the purple pen that he rolled onto. His fingers curled around the grip of the gun. "Back up! I don't care if you say your harmless because you are probably unstable just and don't know it." The end of the gun was aimed at Yellow's chest.

     Yellow's eyes widened as he stood in silence for a moment. "H-Hey man!" He sounded a bit nervous and insecure, yet a smile never left his face. "I-I uh didn't mean to scare you! Put the gun down please?...Ahah.."

      If anything, Red was more on the side of firing than backing down.

     Yellow glanced towards the stairs. "Oh hi again Barney!"

     "I'm not falling for th-"


      Red felt a weight run into him and knock him onto the ground. It pinned his hands down and stole the gun out of the one holding it. "Barney you did not." Red groaned with annoyance.

     "Hahas! I dids. You's can't stoppings me!"

    "I was busy! No, if anything, I was protecting you all so get off!" Red struggled to get up. He heard Yellow giggle and whisper something that sounded like Redney.

      "Stops complaining." Barney laughed.

     "Shut up! Ugh! Can you just get off?!...Please?"

"I'm really starting to see the resemblance between Red and Pink now." Yellow thought.

        "Fines fines." Barney stood up and backed away. "But if I tinkings yours about shootings Yellow again, I's knocking youses out. The Magentas ones alreadys dying we's not needing another ones too."

     "Yeah whatever. You're lucky you are stronger than me." Red picked himself up as well as the pens that fell onto ground.
     "Blue's is here's too if you wantings to talking to hims."

     "Oooh! You're right!" Yellow's high pitched voice screeched. "You and him are going to be BEST FRIENDS Red! Let's gogogogogogogo!"

   Red took a long deep breath and let it out slower. "Okay. Fine. Sure just leave me alone after please?"


Sorry this took forever! I've been trying to get this chapter how I wanted it for a while. It's short so I'll try to get the next one out ASAP. Thank you for reading this far!

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