Two: Water Cycle

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The rain was much more beautiful than people made it out to be; sad and ugly. Water drops dotted trees' leaves like small crystals that shined in the faint sunlight. Everything looked more like a part of nature. But what caught Blue's eye was a small, pinkish-purple flower. It almost looked like... No. It's just a flower.
     Blue turned and looked up at Yellow. He was skipping confidently beside him, a smile still plastered onto his mouth. Maybe it was his natural resting face.
      Time went by pretty fast after that as his blue eyes looked at the small rivers of water that ran down the street and into the drains every few feet. They weren't vibrant and colorful like the world in the rain. Each was a disgusting tray of brownish-reddish-gray metal and it drank up the rivers like someone in a desert might. He wondered where the water all went when the sun came out. There was a water cycle or something that he heard of, but he didn't know what it was. Maybe the sun struck all of the drains and the little holes were for the water to come flying out.
       "Hey Blue."
     He quickly jumped out of his thoughts, startled. "Mhm?"
      "Look." Yellow pointed upwards. If he hadn't pointed it out, Blue would've never thought to look up. The ground was nice. His hand shielded his eyes from the sudden burst of light that hit them.
       "Don't look directly at the sun." Yellow laughed. He squinted and looked up again. "The clouds are moving away from the sun, it looks cool." Blue didn't even think it was worth it to mention that he smiled again, but he did just now.
"Yeah. I guess it does."
Thunder boomed in the distance followed by a strike of lightning. Blue squealed and walked into the center of the street, as far away from the drains as he could. The neighborhood wasn't far away so why get struck now?
"Race you there!"
"Wait what..?" Blue glanced up again. Like the wind, the sunshine child ran, arms back behind him.
"Yellow wait!" Blue yelled. He sighed in quick discourage. "Fine.." If Yellow would run like the wind, he'd run like a hurricane! Or, something like that...
       Blue ran as fast as he could, even shutting his umbrella so it wouldn't slow him down. The cold of the rain didn't bother him. Winning was the only thing on his mind! Once caught up, he grabbed Yellow's arm to halt him.
      "Hey! No fair!"
       "Ha." Blue said sassily. He slowed down, Yellow beside him yet again. Their destination finally stretched above before them.
      "I forgot it was on a hill. Oh well! I'm happy with exercise." Yellow held on tightly to Blue's hand and dragged him up the hill. Literally.
      "You ring the bell." Blue was gently shoved forward.
       "Come oooonnnn!"
       "I don't want to."
        "What if I say pretty please to not?"
        "Ummm......OKAY. FINE." Yellow nodded. "But you at least walk first. Next time you're ringing it"
"What next time?" Blue thought. "Whatever." He took only a few steps forward before the ground gave out into a few foot deep hole.

      "Barney I caught one!" The door to the house blast open and two people came running out.
"Wats? What's yous catching?"
"Not sure yet." A man in his early twenties with a fluffy beard, a red lumberjack flannel, jeans, and brown cowboy boots walked towards the ditch that had formed. He was tall and pretty intimidating to the smol blue child. "It's a wild Blue Vacktor!"
"...I'm not wild..."
"Prestons! Ahhh! Sorrysing Blue."
Blue saw another face peer down at him. It was a boy that looked a bit younger then Preston- shorter too. He had a dinosaur onesie similar to Yellow and Blue's except it was a magenta-purple color. The stomach had a patch of green on it. His eyes- eye was a dark brown, his hair only a shade lighter. An eyepatch covered his second eye with a bit of a bloody scar visible under it.
Blue picked himself up and let out a small sigh. "It's okay..." He grabbed his little blue umbrella and took the hand that appeared in front of him. There was a black, fingerless glove on it so Blue assumed it was Preston's. "Thanks." He said, as he was helped up.
Preston nodded. "Sure dude. Sorry about that. Gotta have the traps in case any wild animal comes through here you know?"
"Of course you do!" Preston laughed. He glanced at Barney who was cringing, and then back at Blue and the trail behind him. "You come here alone? Oh! Is Green with you?"
Blue shook his head. "Yellow's with me-" A feeling of absence hit him. "Oh no."
"I'm like a ninja!"
Barney and Preston jumped and turned around.
"What?! No one gets past Preston Danger!"
"Oh really?" The yellow dinosaur hand pulled the door open and the rest of its body stepped inside.
       "Yellow! Ughhhhh. I'll get him." Blue moaned. "Sorry again.."
     Barney held the door open and followed Blue inside. "I'lls helpings too!I's feeling bads fors being sos rude befores."
     Blue's only response was a quick nod as he felt like he'd said enough "it's okay"s in the day.
    "Oh hi Blue! Did Yellow just run by or am I crazy?" Another boy who looked more towards Preston's age was inside holding a game controller. He had dark tinted sunglasses, and black shirt with a gray stripe, black jeans, and red shoes. His brown hair was pulled back into a little nubby ponytail. His name was Sky.
     "Yah's. You's seeings him?"
      "He ran too lab. I'd be surprised if Red hasn't killed him already."
      Blue's eyes widened and his face went pale. "W-W-Wh-a-at?"
      "I'm joking!" Sky's smile quickly faded to a smaller one. "Not literally kill him, don't worry. You should go get him though. Red wasn't in the brightest mood today. Never is in the rain."
     "Right." Blue took a small, determined step forward. Yellow, you were an idiot sometimes.

People do like little messages at the end or something right? Welp I'm making one anyway. Wanted to thank you for actually reading this. It's my first book so I'm stoked that you enjoy it! I'll try to update as fast as I can but thank you all again.
Let's hope the sun doesn't strike anything. Have a good day fwends!

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