At the bus stop

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Landry's POV

I'm at the bust stop waiting for the  bus, when I then feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and look to see that it's Hailee!
"OMG HI!" We both say in unison, while giving each other a hug. Before we can start a conversation, the bus came to pick us up.once we got on,and sat in our seat we started a conversation.
"Sooo, how was Chicago?" She was only asking because I went to Chicago all summer to visit family and friends.
"It was amazing,but on the other hand who's your teacher?" I was asking because hopefully we're in the same class.🙏🏻
"I got Mr.Cave" She didn't sound so excited.
"OMG NO.WAY. I DID TOO!!" After telling her that she now sounded really excited!

Cameron's POV

I'm at the bus stop waiting with Ricky, we're waiting for the,and also talking about our crushes,and how we're gonna ask them to the dance. Then the bus came to pick us up.
I hope you're enjoying this idk if I'll have another update tonight,but just keep waiting😜

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