At school pt2

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Still Landry's POV
"HELLO EVERYBODY, IM BACK!" I turn around and look to see that it's Cameron, of course🙄 I notice someone else standing next to him, I realize it's Ricky, so I get up to go talk to him.

Hailee's POV
I'm looking around the classroom then notice Landry getting up.
"Where are you going?!" I'm pretty sure I was annoying her.
"I'm just going to talk to Ricky?" She answered me with a question.
"Oh, in coming!" I only said that so I can talk to Cameron😍 They went over to talk to the boys, until they had to go sit down.
"Okay, student take your seats,and I'm going to tell tell you what's happening for the rest of the morning and day.@ I was really excited to hear what was gonna happen.

Meanwhile during the end of the day.....

I was almost time to go home. Mr.Cave told us that we have free time.

Cameron's POV
I was sitting at my desk next time Ricky,and a couple minutes later, Hailee and her friend Landry came over to talk to us. We talked for  the rest of the hour that we had left , we ended up exchanging numbers, and making a group chat!
"Hey guys." I said.
"Yeah, what is it?" I found it funny that they said it in unison.
"We should hang out at the park after school today." I only said that so I can ask Hailee something.
"That sounds alright!" So we all agreed to meet at the park.

Camlee and Randry Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora