Chapter 37

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The writing bunnies have taken over my mind, and they're demanding I write more! So of course I must obey them. I hope everyone enjoys this chapter.

Iruka's eyes widened when he digested the news. This had happened before?

"What? When?" Iruka said.

Kakashi sighed and ran a hand through his hair. His one visible eye cast a far away look as he was silent. Iruka waited patiently for the Jonin to speak. A wind blew past the two shinobi, and Kakashi looked at the Chunin.

"She was badly injured when the Nine-Tailed Fox attacked the village all those years ago" Kakashi said in a low voice.

Iruka's eyes widened in shock, and his heart seemed to skip a beat. The Nine-Tail Fox? His mind spun back to the creature who nearly destroyed the village and killed his parents. Kakashi nodded at the look on Iruka's face.

"Mori was younger and inexperienced and the fox was too powerful. She tried to help protect us, but got in the way of it. The next time I saw her, she was as injured as she was today" Kakashi recounted, his mind dwelling on the past.

People were shouting as rumbles shook the ground. Kakashi looked around, irritated and angry that he and the other younger shinobi were being held back as the older ninja attacked the large fox. It's roars could be heard from far away, and it's many tails whipped back and forth. Kakashi gritted his teeth; he wanted to fight! A white blur caught his visible eye and he turned his head to see his young friend sitting a little ways away. He quietly walked toward the panting female wolf as she sat on her haunches, ears pricked and eyes sharp. She had heard the fox's demonic roars and came to help protect her friends.

A growl rumbled from the young female wolf as she caught sight of the orange fur.

"Mori, you shouldn't be here. Our shinobi have it under control" Kakashi said.

"I have to help, Kakashi! These people are good people" Mori snarled, white teeth flashing.

The Nine-Tailed fox jumped through the trees, and Mori's ears caught the sound of screaming. She snarled and took off like a shot, leaving her friend calling her name behind. Mori was quick enough to miss the barrier that was put up so Kakashi and the younger shinobi were safe. She raced to where the demon fox was, and skidded to a stop when she came face to face with the fox. It's numerous tails smashed trees and her heart sank as numerous bodies littered the ground. She snarled and barked loudly, getting the fox's attention. It's red eyes narrowed and it swiped a giant paw at Mori.

She jumped away and ran at the fox, snapping her jaws at it's hind leg. Blood spurted from the wound, and the fox growled in irritation. Mori barked at it again, weaving around the fox's legs. It's roar of irritation vibrated in her ears and Mori let out a yelp as one of it's many tails caught her in the side. She sailed through the air and landed on the ground heavily. Her breath rushed out of her lungs and Mori whimpered. Her ear flicked back when she heard shouts of the Konoha shinobi. She lifted herself up with a small groan and blinked. The fox roared, and screams of pain echoed in the air. She growled and leaped at the fox, attaching her jaws on the fox's front paw.

It roared in pain and Mori felt it's teeth grab onto her side, ripping her away from it's paw. The fox's teeth pierced Mori's fur, and she scrabbled to get free. Her screams of pain caused the shinobi to stop for the briefest second, but continued their onslaught. The fox whipped its head back and forth with Mori in it's mouth, and she felt some of her bones snap. The fox released the limp wolf from it's jaws, and Mori let out a yelp as her body hit the ground. One of it's tails lashed out, slapping the young wolf away. Her body skidded on the forest floor and came to a stop when her back hit the bark of a tree. Her consciousness flickered in and out as the battle continued around her, and her young body spasmed in pain. Her mind finally succumbed to the darkness after what seemed like forever, and the sounds of battle died in her ears.

A younger Kakashi jumped from tree to tree in search of his friend. His heart was heavy with the loss of so many people. The Nine-Tailed fox had killed many villagers, shinobi, and Konoha's very own Hokage and his wife. His one visible eye narrowed as he continued searching; he just hoped Mori wasn't another casualty.


Kakashi leaped down from the tree branch when he saw a patch of white on the forest floor. Blood was splattered everywhere, and he knelt down close to Mori. The young wolf was laying still, her eyes shut and blood pooling around her. Kakashi sighed and rubbed a hand through his hair when a deep growl sounded. He rocked back on his heels when his visible eye connected with a red eye; the visible pupil in a long black slit. Mori growled again: a warning to stay away. Kakashi shook his head at her.

"I'm not going anywhere" he murmured softly.

The injured wolf lifted her head and struggled to her feet. Blood stained her white coat and her limbs shook with the task of keeping her body up. Blood dripped from her open maw as another growl gurgled from her chest. Kakashi's eye narrowed; Mori must have sustained internal injuries.

"You need those injuries treated, you know" he mused, watching the wolf's actions carefully.

Any animal was dangerous when it was injured. Mori stared at the Jonin then suddenly lunged and snapped her jaws at him, but her breath ended in a gurgle as her legs gave out. She landed on her side and a whimper of pain escaped. Kakashi continued sitting, not moving until he was sure it was okay.

"You know, I can't help you until you are human" Kakashi said, eye still trained on the injured wolf.

Mori was still for a couple minutes until she heaved herself up into a sitting position. Her front legs still trembled, but her pupils were starting to return to their normal size. Before Kakashi could blink, Mori shifted to human. Her head rolled forward as her eyes closed, and Kakashi rushed forward to grab his friend when her body began to fall to the side.

He gently lifted her into his arms, taking note of the injuries that she sustained. From the noise of her breathing, he could tell that some of her ribs were broken,  and one or possibly two had punctured her lungs. Her shoulder was dislocated, and a large bruise was quickly spreading over it. Blood dropped down the side of her head, and Kakashi quickly leaped into the trees.

He sent a small prayer to the heavens that his friend would survive.

Iruka stood rooted to the spot, shocked that Mori had gone against the fox and lived. The same fox that was inside Naruto.

"Give her time" Kakashi said before walking away, and Iruka nodded.

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