Chapter 45

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Sighing, Mori brushed a hand against her forehead as a strand of hair hung loose. Her teeth worried her lower lip as her unborn child gave a strong kick against her womb. It had been months since her little argument with Iruka, and she felt bad about it.

She laid a hand against her large belly and felt her child kick against her palm. Her heart lifted slightly when she received two more strong kicks. How strong her little one was! If she could guess, her child would be a ninja in no time.

Her lips turned down in a frown. Did she want her child to be a ninja? Have a life of danger and not knowing if they would live another day? Breathing out a sigh, Mori looked up from her belly to the small village below. She had continued to live with Midori and help the elderly woman around the house and village. She blinked as clouds rolled quickly in, and a cool wind blew around the expecting mother. A storm was coming in, and it appeared to be a big one.

Midori would be worried about her, especially with Mori's condition. The child would be coming any day now, and the elderly woman watched Mori like a hawk.

'I guess I'll have to go back, lest I be caught in the storm' Mori thought to herself before struggling to her feet.

Puffing from the effort, she finally got to her feet. The wind picked up and whipped some dirt around her ankle and Mori raised her arms up to shield her face. A rumble sounded above, and she blinked as a drop of rain fell onto her shoulder. Another fell, then another and before long, the clouds opened up. Her dress that hung over her frame was drenched in a matter of minutes. The material clung to her skin and a shiver ran up her spine. Mori hurried down the now-muddy path that led to the small village. Her shoes squelched in the mud as she continued to hurry. The rain combined with the wind created what seemed like stinging needles against her skin, and she wrapped a protective arm around her belly.

As she entered the village, people hurried to get shelter from the storm. Puddles formed on the street and shutters were closed firmly. Finally she made it to Midori's house and hurried inside. She eased herself out of her soaked shoes and wrung out the end of her dress.

"Mori! There you are! You should get changed out of that wet dress!" Midori exclaimed as she came towards Mori.

"I'm okay Midori, really. I just need a cup of tea and a change of clothes" Mori said.

A violent punch to her spleen left her wincing, and she placed a hand on her side. Midori smiled as Mori rubbed her belly absentmindedly, her mind beginning to wander. She would give birth soon, and didn't know if she would give birth as a wolf or human. She never got a chance to ask her mother. Sighing, Mori shuffled to the small bathroom to get clean and warmed up while outside the storm raged.

A sense of calm came over the house as both women settled deep in slumber into their beds. A sudden pang in her abdomen startled Mori out of slumber and she shot up in bed, eyes wide. She gripped the bed sheets in fists as what felt like a fist squeezed her belly. She clenched her teeth together as the pain flared, then suddenly released her. She relaxed against the bed, breathless.

"W-what was that?" Mori said to herself as she tried to get her lungs working again.

She placed a hand on her belly, feeling the muscles twitch and clench. She swung her legs out from the bed and stood up just as another muscle squeeze caused her to drop to the floor. She landed on the floor with a hard 'thump' and a gush of wetness trickled down her thighs. Her eyes widened as she struggled to rest her arms against the side of the bed. Her time had come. Her child was on their way. A hand placed itself on her head as it leaned against the bed sheets. Midori brushed her hand through Mori's hair as the contraction eased, leaving the soon mother-to-be panting. The wind and rain pounded away outside as Midori turned on the light as Mori groaned low in her throat as another contraction began.

"Nothing to fear my dear. Let's get you up onto the bed while I go and get the midwife. I hope I can make it on time with this little one...they seem to be in a hurry" Midori mused as Mori continued groaning.

Midori nodded to herself as Mori's fists clenched around the sheets. This child was definitely on its way. The elderly woman eased the groaning woman up off the floor and helped Mori into her bed. Sweat began to bead across her forehead as Midori dragged the blanket up over her waist. She hurried out of the room and out the door, not worrying about her jacket. It wasn't too far away.

Mori gasped as another contraction eased up, and she felt tears threatening to fall. She was scared, alone and wanted Iruka with her. A painful contraction caused Mori to let out a scream loudly.

"I'm here Mori with the midwife! Everything is fine my dear" Midori exclaimed as she rushed into the bedroom with the midwife in tow.

Midori sat with Mori and clasped her sweaty hand in hers, petting it and whispering soothing words as the midwife got herself ready. Mori panted harshly as the contraction eased. The tears that she held at bay finally broke through, and cascaded down Mori's cheeks. Midori shushed her and wiped them away.

"It'll be over soon my dear, then you'll get to hold your new baby" Midori said as the midwife knelt down to check the progress.

"We're ready. Now Mori, I want you to push hard for me" the midwife said.

Midori helped Mori raise her shoulders as the young woman screamed. She bared down with everything she had, and it felt like something was slicing her in two.

"Okay Mori, nice deep breathes for me now" the midwife instructed.

Mori panted as Midori muttered encouraging words in her ear.

"Okay now here comes the head. You'll have to push hard now" the midwife said as a new wave of pain caused Mori to let out an ear piercing shriek.

Chants of 'push' echoed in her ear as Midori clasped Midori's hand tightly in hers.

"The head is out! One big push Mori and we'll have your baby" the midwife said as Mori puffed for breath.

Something in her told Mori to push, and Mori gritted her teeth. She bared down and pushed with all her might. With a cry, Mori felt a wave of relief as she heard a shrill cry echoing in the room. Mori slumped back on the bed as Midori cheered. The midwife cleaned off a squirming bundle as Midori wiped Mori's forehead.

"Here we are, are you ready to see your new baby?" the midwife said as she gently wrapped the bundle in a blanket.

Mori shakily sat up and held out her arms, eyes brimming with tears. Her child was here! Iruka and Mori had a child and here they are.

"You did very well Mori. You have a new healthy baby boy" Midori said as she brushed a few tears away from her withered cheeks.

Mori's eyes widened as tears flowed freely down her cheeks. She had a son. She smiled widely as her son was placed in her arms. She gasped softly as her eyes took in the red and angry face, small nose and small ears of her son. A laugh bubbled out of her chest as she placed him on her chest, feeling his body shake from the force of his cries. She placed a hand on his head, and little by little her baby's cries lessened.

"Does this little baby have a name?" Midori said, and Mori nodded.

"Tadao. His name is Tadao" she said, eyes on her son.

Midori smiled and quietly left the room, leaving the new mother and her son alone. Midori frowned as a thought came to her. Mori needed her man with her right now, especially now that Tadao was born. She nodded to herself; she would go and get her man tomorrow. The family would be together as a whole.

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