Chapter 53

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Warning: This chapter contains scenes of graphic violence. Viewer discretion is advised.

Hours turned into days as Mori continued to be Kabuto's play toy. He took samples of her blood, took chunks of her flesh and muscles, injected her with unknown liquids and God knows what else. She was always left in a pile in her cell when play time was over. Her body shook with cold, causing her open wounds to protest. Mori would thankfully lose consciousness, only to wake up to some of the Sound ninja kicking her body. She wouldn't let them the satisfaction to hear her scream in pain.

As usual, her body was dumped on the ground after more of Kabuto's experiments. Her eyes squeezed shut in pain; Kabuto had taken great pleasure in seeing how much pressure her front leg could take before breaking. Pain ran up and down her front leg and she let out a quiet whimper. The two Sound ninja that brought her in left with a couple of snickers, and Mori's eyes opened in brief surprise. They usually put the chain manacle around her neck, but they didn't do it this time. A small thought wormed her way into her mind as she struggled to get her body comfortable. She would be able to regain her chakra without that accursed chain.

She had to hold on to the hope that her friends in Konoha would come for her. She had to believe that they would come. She had to believe that she would see Tadao and hold him in her arms again, and that she would hug and kiss Iruka again.

With a sigh, Mori closed her eyes and tried to settle on the cold ground.

They would come.


A rumbling woke Mori with a start, and she sprang on to her four paws. She let out a yelp as her front leg let out a scream of protest, and she held it up to lessen the pain. Her ears swivelled back and forth and she raised her muzzle to scent the air. Something was happening, but what?

Another rumble came, and Mori growled in confusion. More scents came to her nose, and she felt her heart lift.

"Kakashi...Sakura...Naruto?" she growled.

She limped to the cell door, red eyes piercing through the darkness. Hurried footsteps came from one side, and her head turned to see orange. Her tail wagged in happiness; Naruto was no longer a pup who ran headstrong into anything. He was taller and strength lined his face.

"Hey! Mori is that you?" Naruto said as he stopped in front of the cell door.

"Naruto, it's good to see you. You've grown up" Mori rumbled, and Naruto gave her a quick smile and scratched the back of his head.

More footsteps came, and Sakura and Kakashi came into view.

"Sakura, do you think you can break through this?" Kakashi asked, and the pink haired konoichi nodded.

"Mori, stand back" Sakura said, gripping her gloved hand in a tight fist.

Mori limped back a couple paces before the door went sailing past her head with a 'crash'. She let out a sneeze as dust invaded her nose, and shook her head to clear it.

"Mori can you change?" Kakashi asked, his multicoloured gaze regarding his friend.

"I'll try" Mori rumbled, and desperately searched for her human chakra.

It was there, but very weak. She grasped it and coaxed it through her body, sending a quick prayer to whoever was listening that it would be enough. Her senses dulled, and her heart lifted when she felt her body shift. She opened her eyes and smiled when she saw her human body. Mori took one step, but her knees buckled and she collapsed. Arms helped the woman up, and she gave a sheepish smile.

"I guess I am more weak then I thought" she said, and flinched when her arm protested.

"Damn bastard" she growled quietly, and clenched her broken arm to her body as Naruto helped her up.

"What happened?" the boy asked, and Mori sighed.

"I'm okay Naruto" she said, and the two walked out of the cell to the two other Konoha ninja waiting.

"We should get going" Sakura said, and the other two nodded.

"You three go on ahead I will just slow you down" Mori said, and Naruto turned to her.

"No! We aren't leaving you behind" he said, blue eyes determined.

Mori gazed at Naruto and nodded. Here was a man now who was going to fight and protect his friends, and no longer was a little boy that knew nothing of the world.

The ground began to rumble and shake, and cracks appeared and snaked along the ceiling. They began to jog through the narrow hallway as chunks of wall fell to the ground and around the small group. Mori turned to quickly avoid being crushed by a particularly large piece of ceiling, and let out a wince as her arm protested again. The pain flared to life, and it felt like it was spreading throughout her entire body from her arm. Mori let out a quiet whimper and bit her lip against a scream that threatened to escape.

She stopped and bent down, mouth open and gasping for breath. Her knees buckled and she landed on the floor with a 'thud'.

Sakura stopped when she noticed Mori wasn't with them, and shouted for her sensei when Mori began to curl into herself with bringing her knees to her chest. She was trying to ease the pain but there was no escape from it. It felt like something was eating Mori from the inside out, and every breath she took seemed to give it more energy. Kakashi's eyes narrowed and scooped the woman into his arms, earning him a cry of protest. With a short nod, they continued running, this time faster. Mori's muscles trembled and she squeezed her eyes shut as wave after wave of pain crashed through her body.

More debris fell around them as the Konoha ninja followed the hallway, hoping it would lead to a way out. The group finally came to a large chamber, and a dark chuckle echoed around them. Two figures stood on the other side of the chamber, and Kakashi's eyes narrowed.

This was not good.

"Welcome, Kakashi and Konoha ninja!" Orochimaru's voice slithered across to them.

Kakashi heard Naruto growl and begin to walk forward, but stopped him with a look.

"Look after Mori. This is not your battle" Kakashi said, and gently placed Mori down beside Sakura.

She nodded and Kakashi stood up, his senses on high alert. He quickly did a series of hand signs and the battle began. Fireball after fireball was shot in the direction of the Snake Sanin, and Orochimaru dodged them with ease. Kakashi was about to go in for close combat, but a black blur entered his vision. He jumped back to see a large black canine in front of the Sanin, teeth shining in the light and fur bristling. Its eyes were locked on his body and a deep growl was heard.

"Mori! Stop don't move!" he heard Sakura shout, and Orochimaru grinned.

"I see you have met the other part of my plan" he smirked and Kakashi narrowed his eyes.

"Two in one. Man and canine" he mused, and Kakashi noticed his henchman Kabuto give a knowing smirk.

"These two siblings are perfect for my plan" Orochimaru stated with a crazed grin.

"H...Hideo" Kakashi heard Mori wheeze from behind, and Kabuto let out a laugh.

"Your words won't do anything. My Lord has a powerful jutsu on him" Kabuto said, and Kakashi heard Mori grunt from pain.

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