III. red thread

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Chapter 3:


I started to stir and sit up, finally coming around, but I wasn't able to. I was still chained down and in the mirror room. It's not a dream, this is reality. I was actually kidnapped and I am actually chained to the walls of my kidnapper's RV. Only I was on my stomach when I woke up, not on my back like when I passed out.

"It took you long enough to get up, sweetie." I quickly raised my head up to see Louis sitting on a stool beside of the sink. He had the same evil smirk on his lips as before. This was my first chance to actually get a good look at him, his face paint or whatever the heck it was was washed off and I could see that he had a little bit of stubble. His brown hair looked like he hadn't even tried to do anything to it and, thanks to his short sleeved plain white t shirt, I could see that one of his arms was lined in tattoos. I could also tell that he wasn't from America, he had a British accent.

When I didn't reply, he got up and walked over to me. I was still in kind of a daze from just waking up from passing out for who knows how long.

"I fixed your back," he walked over and traced the lining of my cut, which was now covered in gauze, before pushing on it slightly right in the middle where it was deepest. I sucked in a breath and bit my tongue to keep from screaming, and Louis just laughed.

"I stitched it up, so it looks quite nice don't you think?" He turned my head to the side so I could look up at the ceiling to see my back. It was one of the most horrific things I've ever seen. The small three inch cut was sewn up with large, red thread. It looked like a twelve year old who was just learning how to sew done it. I tried to reach back and touch it, but sadly I couldn't because I was restrained by metal cuffs.

I started to feel the physical pain again and it was even worse than it was before, probably due to the stitches Louis had given me. Tears started to roll down my cheeks as I finally realised just how bad of a situation I was in. I will probably not make it out of this alive, which scares the crap out of me.

"Sweetheart, if you don't start talking to me I'll make sure you never do it again. I don't want a mute little doll now do I?" He then began to unlock the cuffs that were around my ankles. "Remember the rules from last night, they all still apply to you."

I rubbed my wrists and sat up, trying to relieve some of the pain while Louis grabbed me by the arm and dragged me all the way back up to the front of the vehicle. I looked out the vehicle and seen that we weren't in the same place as we were last night. It looked like we were in some sort of a field, but I wasn't for sure and I wasn't about to ask him.

"We made it to Ashland county. I only drove a few hours to make sure I was as far away from that car as possible." Louis explained, waiting for an answer. I decided to answer him in fear of what would happen if I didn't.

"Oh." Was all I could force myself to say. "Why did we have to get away from the car?"

"Excellent question, Bella." He smiled and pushed me down on a couch, sitting only about eight inches away from me. "You see, that car had fingerprints all over it. Mine and yours, so naturally I had to dispose of it." I still looked confused so he added, "I sat it on fire."

I must have gotten another look of horror plastered all over my face again, so Louis just laughed. I suppose this is how it's going to be until he finally decides to kill me. I'm not even going to pretend that I don't know it's going to happen. He's obviously done this before, but do you see any other girls around here? Because I don't.

"Sweetheart, do you even know who I am?" He got this sudden rush of cockiness and I got scared again. He's not- no he can't be. There's no way. I know what that man does to girls like me. It's not good things either.

"You told me to call you Louis."

"That's my real name, yes. But most people refer to me as the Lakefront Killer." Oh my God. "Stupid name, right? Seriously, who comes up with this shit? Idiots. They're all idiots, with the exception of Zayn of course. Don't even have the right mind to look right in front of their face and catch me."

He was full on ranting now but I just tuned it all out. The only thing I could focus on was the fact that this man is the Lakefront Killer. This is the man that's murdered multiple families. The very same man that has mutilated, decapitated, and skinned twenty-three girls, not to mention the things he's done that haven't made it to the news because we either don't know about them or are too gruesome to disclose.

"Don't you agree, Bella? I've committed countless crimes right under their noses and they're too stupid to realise that I'm the one doing it. Then again, they probably have no record of me. According to the medical records in Doncaster, Louis Tomlinson died eight years ago. Funny how things work out, isn't it?"

"What do you mean you died?" I'm still having a hard time speaking to him, but I know that I have to unless I want him to literally rip my vocal cords out.

"That's none of your business." He snapped at me. "But we can get into your business if you'd like that. I know a lot about you, but not everything. Tell me, Marabella, ever had a boyfriend?"

Instead of speaking, I just nodded and he slowly started to inch closer to me and put his hand on my knee. He slowly started to go a little further, but hesitated. Like he almost didn't want to do it. If that makes any sense at all.

He abruptly stood up and ran his fingers through his hair. He started pacing back and forth in the small perimeter of the RV and looked like he was really upset with himself.

"Stand up!" He half yelled, grabbing my arm and lifting me up on the counter beside the small sink. He forced my legs apart and forced his lips onto mine. I didn't resist him because I very well remember the 'rules' he set last night, but I didn't kiss him back. I'm not giving him the pleasure to know that I caved into him. It's not happening.

Suddenly he pulled back and slammed his fist down onto the counter beside of me. I felt the counter top shake underneath me and I had no clue what the hell is even going on. I thought I was going to get raped, but why is he suddenly so ticked off?

Louis raked everything off of the makeshift kitchen table with his arm and started pulling at his hair again, all while shouting multiple curse words.

"What is it with you?" He screamed again throwing his arms up in the air. He let out a small sarcastic laugh and started pacing again. "I've never had this problem before. Twenty two girls and you're the first to cause issues with this!"

I felt a forceful shove to my right side and found myself lying on the floor. Before I got the chance to wipe the already flowing tears from my face, a stinging pain shot through my side again. He kicked me time and time again before pulling me up and dragging me back to his mirror room and cuffing me up again. I'm pretty sure I have at least one broken rib and I don't know what to do. I know they heal on their own but they're also extremely painful. His last words before walking out of the room were

"Stupid girl, you're going to pay greatly for this."


well hello there. long time no see, mate. ok I'm really sorry and I'm not gonna make up excuses I was simply just too lazy to write. but I promise it won't happen again because I have an updating schedule yay!

I will be updating at least once a week (on Friday) and possibly more if I get the chapter written sooner. But you should expect one every Friday at least from now on :)

I still read and appreciate all of your comments and votes! It means a lot ok ily guys. Also don't forget to follow me if you want :)

also I don't mind people commenting and telling me to update. idgi why people don't like it like???? to me it just shows me that people actually like and read what I write so I take it as a compliment idk

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