XIII. Cop Car

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Chapter 13:


We are now arriving in Quantico and it is literally so nerve wracking, you have no idea. According to Zayn, the area is on high alert because they're expecting Louis to hit here next. I have no idea why they think he would come here to kill because he could so easily get caught, but I guess they think he likes a challenge and they're right. He does like a challenge, but I also know that he would never purposefully do anything to risk getting caught.

"So we take a taxi to meet Zayn in the park? Isn't that suspicious or something? What if someone recognizes me?" I start to fidget in my seat as I think of all of the possible outcomes of this situation.

"Yes, we will park around here on the outskirts of town, probably in an abandoned housing development if we can find one, and walk to a gas station or something. From there, we will take a cab to the park and meet Zayn where he will give us our things and we'll be on our way. It's not suspicious unless you make it suspicious, understand? You can't look scared or nervous. Carry yourself as if you're going in to kill a family with me- be confident." Louis parks the RV just outside of the town in an empty lot. "Hopefully nobody will recognize you. You have different hair and a new scar, I'm sorry about that by the way. I'll make you look different."

"How are you going to make me look different?" I questioned him, walking back to where the closets are. I pretty much have my own now, considering Louis has provided me with new clothes to wear each day.

"Well, you need to keep your face covered as much as you can," Louis grabs the same beanie as before and puts it back on my head. He adjusts it on my head and pulls my hair around until he's satisfied. "Since it's cold and December, people wouldn't get suspicious of a scarf on your face right?"

"No, that's normal," I slightly smile as he pulls a matching scarf out and loosely wraps it around my neck and up to my nose. My hair pokes out from underneath it all, just enough so you can tell its blonde. His thumb runs over my cheek and stops at my scar- the one he gave me. "Why are you-?"

"Bella, baby, I am so sorry," Louis whispers as he continues to gently rub the scar. He lightly presses his lips to it before moving them down to my lips. He kissed me lightly before pulling back and wrapping a coat around my body and doing the same with himself. He grabbed his cell phone and handed me a purse to carry before we made our way out of the RV. "It's for the package; we can't just carry it out in the open."

"Be careful not to look anybody in the eyes," Louis instructed. He grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers together, and pulled me down the sidewalk as he spoke, "Maybe if we act like a couple it will look more casual, you know. Just keep your head down as we walk, but don't look scared. You're confident, just trying to keep the wind out of your face. Bella, we can do this."

Louis stopped momentarily, but only long enough to briefly glance into my eyes before, once again, pressing his lips against mine. He lingers for a few seconds before letting go and continuing to walk.

"I'm scared," I mumble, walking closer to him. Mostly because he's warm and it's freezing outside. "I don't want them to catch us."

"Bella, they're not going to catch us. We are going to get the park, get the stuff from Zayn, and then we're going to head back out on the road. It's all going to be okay, Bella," Louis whispers back at me.

It takes us a while, but we eventually make it to a run down gas station. It has a pay phone, and Louis takes full advantage of that, using it to call a taxi. We sit on the curb, hands intertwined, as we wait on the taxi. Once it arrives, Louis pays the driver for the twenty minute ride to Georgetown Waterfront Park. It's silent, which is both a good thing and a bad thing. It's good because everything is calm. However, it's a terrible thing because the silence leaves me to wander around in my thoughts. Fear is consuming me; I have a terrible feeling about this whole ordeal. Nonetheless, I'm going along with whatever Louis wants. He says it's fine, so I just have to believe him.

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