IX. breaking bad

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Chapter 9:


I woke up on the couch in the middle of the RV just in time to hear the screams of Emma coming from the back of the vehicle. I shake my head, attempting to rid myself of this disoriented state I'm stuck in.

Sitting up, I run my fingers through my hair, giving up when I run into the tangles. Memories from last night flood into my mind and I get sick to my stomach. I'm facing reality; this is not a dream. I actually killed a human being last night.

I feel so utterly disgusted in my self, but I know that even though those people have done nothing to me, my family's lives are not worth theirs. I ran to the bathroom to empty the contents of my stomach. After rinsing my mouth out, I walked out of the small bathroom just in time to see Louis exit the torture room, while zipping up his pants.

His eyes meet mine and I quickly turn away, I don't want to face him right now. He has obviously just raped that innocent girl and I would rather not be his next target.

"Marbella sweetie, would you fix me a cup of coffee?" He makes it more of a demand than a question though, but I oblige anyway. My virginity is something that I will not lose to this psychotic human, so I'll sacrifice being nice just this once.

"How do you take it?" I asked quietly, pulling two random mugs from a cabinet. I intend to make myself a cup too.

"Just black," he replies emotionless. I nod and pour the coffe out and hand one to him, keeping the other for myself. He doesn't say anything about it so I assume it was an okay thing to do.

"Be honest with me, Bella. How did you feel last night?" I sat down at the table across from him and raised my eyebrow. "After you killed him. What did you feel?"

"I felt," I paused trying to think of the right word, "alive."

"Good," a small smile crept up onto his lips. "The first one is always the best. With each kill, you always try to get that same feeling again but it never will live up to the first time you tried it. It's like a movie. The first bit you see it trailer, which is what intrigues you to watch the full thing. But no matter how hard you try, the movie will never look as good when you actually watch it. The trailer takes all the best parts and smashes them together to make the perfect little exerpt. Just like your first kill does. It smashes fear, adrenalin, nervousness, hatred, anger, and all of your other emotions into one, creating the perfect feeling. But the more you kill, the less fear you have and you're less nervous about it. If you continue killing random people, you have no hatred or anger towards anybody but yourself, therefore you can't take it out on them. The only emotion you're left with is adrenalin, which is pretty much worthless by itself. However, you have already had your first kill and no matter how hard I try to convince you otherwise, you'll believe that the next time can live up to the first but it never will. Your life goal will be to have that same high, but it will never come. And for that, I'm sorry I had to do this to you."

"I don't want to kill again," I say even though I'm not entirely sure that's true.

"I can see it in your eyes, sweetheart. You liked it, even though you won't admit it yet. It's okay that you did though, because your fist kill will definitely not be your last." Louis smiles and refills his coffee cup while I sit and think about what all he said. He's entirely right, and he knows it.

"What about Emma?" I spoke up once he sat back down.

"Ahh, Emma! That's her name, I wish I would have known that earlier," he smirked and continued, "I would say we can do whatever you want with her, we've got twelve days to decide before I have to dump her, but I know you'd say let her go and you'd know that couldn't happen. Then I would go on to say that I'd let you be the one to kill her, if you wanted to of course. You could also help me with the torturing if you wanted to; it's more thrilling than you'd think. It's completely up to you though, Bella. My only rules are that you can't let her go and you have to help with at least part of what we do to her. And I don't suggest talking to her and getting attached because that just makes the process harder on all of us..."he trailed off at the end.

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