Chapter 3

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The next day Craig woke up, did his routine and went to work. He met up with Chresanto again so that they could talk. "Hey Chres." He smiled and waved at him. Chres on the other was excited to see him. Craig walked into Chres's office and sat in front of his desk. He noticed a duffle bag over in the corner of the room.

"What's the bag for?" Craig asked nodding his head in the direction of the blue, medium-sized duffle bag.

"It's my bag for running clothes. I told you before I run on the way to work and then have a change of clothes and a shower here at the office. I'm always here pretty early." Chresanto smiled at Craig as Craig responded back with a simple nod okay and continued on.

"I'm also going to need you to come with me this weekend." Chresanto said. "We have some meetings to attend and the boss needs us to travel together to get the stuff together." He continued talking while fixing some papers on his desk and organizing. Craig once again nodded at him and got up. "Well I got some work to do. I'll see you around the office and I'll definitely see you this weekend." Craig smiled and walked out the office continuing his work for the day.

Chresanto on the other hand was excited to be hanging with Craig alone. It would be there first time being together outside the office and he was planning on taking advantage of that. If it wasn't obvious by now Chresanto is highly attracted to Craig in every way possible. He also lied about the fact that the boss wanted them to go together. He had the option to go with whomever he wanted and he wanted Craig. He didn't even care that Craig was married, he was going to do whatever felt needed to get Craig's attention and he was glad that he wast getting this weekend to do that.

After working and talking again, Craig once again got home after his husband. Rayan was actually surprised at this change in their lifestyle and wondered what was going on with Craig.

"Hey baby." Craig said walking into the house and placing his coat and everything in its appropriate places. Rayan just smiled at him and waved. He was starting to get used to the fact that his submissive husband was coming home later than he was.

After Craig did his usual brushing of his teeth, hair and putting on his pajamas he got into bed with Ray. Craig had to tell Ray where he going this weekend and Craig didn't know why, but he was nervous and excited for this weekend. "Baby, I uh, I won't be here this weekend. I have some travelling to do for my job. I'll be back Sunday though." Ray just nodded his head and smiled. "I'll miss every minute you're gone." Ray gave him a kiss on the cheek and turned off his bedside light. They both went to sleep that night.


The end of the week rolled around quicker then expected but it was time for the two to be alone this weekend. Craig had his stuff packed and ready the night before and had a cab to come pick him up so that he wouldn't have to drive his car and leave it in the airport for the weekend.

"Bye, baby. I love you." Craig said as he kissed his husband on the cheek and took his weekend luggage and placed it in the the trunk of the cab. He then got inside the backseat of the car and waved at his husband, Ray as the cab-driver drive off.

20 minutes flew by and Craig was at the airport seeing Chresanto already there with his usual duffle bag he uses for when he runs in the morning.

Craig stared at him and observed his features once again. He looked at the curly hair that sat on the top of his head, his medium-sized nose, thick, kissable lips, strong neck, and muscular body. Craig couldn't tell much of anything else especially since, Chres had on his usual attire of a crazy expensive looking suit with a different tie everyday.

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