Nice To Meet You

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I held her in that hug, crouched on the floor, for what seemed like forever. She finally pulled away with tears streaming down her face.

"W-why are you here," she sobs.

I wipe a tear from her cheek and look into her gorgeous blue eyes.

"I heard someone froze Arendelle. That's my job, I needed to find out who did it," I answer.

She smiled slightly to my answer, "Well now you know."

"What's wrong?" I ask her as I start to stand up and hold and hand out to help her.

"I kept these powers a secret for so long. Everyone knows now. They all think I'm a- a..." Her voice starts cutting off and she whispers, "A monster," through her tears.

I grab her hand "You're not a monster, Queen Elsa."

She immediately pulled her hand away from mine and held it close to her, "Don't touch me! I really don't want to hurt you."

"Ha! Hurt me? The King Of Ice? You couldn't possibly." Again I see the corners of her mouth rise up into a small smile.

She wipes the rest of her tears with the palms of her hands "Thankyou Jack Frost for making me feel somewhat better."

"Call me Jack. And you're welcome Queen Elsa. I hate to see a pretty girl crying." She smiles again, this time for real. Wow, she has an amazing smile.

"It's just Elsa." She smiles and holds out her hand for me to shake.

Yup, definitely royal. Usually I wouldn't like a girl who's all proper with a bunch of manners. I like a girl who's fun and spontaneous. But there was something about this girl I was attracted to.


"Call me Jack. And you're welcome Queen Elsa. I hate to see a pretty girl crying."

Did he really just say that? He just called me pretty. No, he couldn't have. I smile at him and I can feel my cheeks start to flush red. Why would Jack Frost think I'm pretty? I mean, just look at him.

He's got this absolutely stunning smile. Light, icy blue eyes that are simply gorgeous. His hair looked so soft. Is that weird to say? No, I don't think so, but I did really wanna just touch it. Okay, yeah that's weird, Elsa, stop thinking about him. He'll never want someone like you.

The only words I seemed to be able to conjure up in response to his pervious compliment was, "It's just Elsa," then I hold my hand out, hoping he'll shake it.

He did shake it. And KISSED the top of my hand! Again, I could feel my blood rushing to my cheek. "Well, 'Just Elsa', it's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance."

What was this boy doing to me? I can't be with anyone. I just can't. But, damn,

he was making it hard to not want to be.

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