I Can't

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Whoever this extraordinary boy was, I didn't need him around. I didn't want him around. I can't put him through all this disappointment. I just can't.

I pull my hand away from his kiss and

turn around. I can feel him just standing behind me, not knowing what to do.


What was that for?

"Elsa... What's wrong?" I walk foward and rest my hand on her shoulder.

"You have to go Jack, I don't want to put you through this." She pushed my hand off her shoulder.

"But isn't that my choice? I want to help you. I don't want to see you sad, Elsa I can help."

She turned back to face me, "Why can't you see that I'm fine here like this? I don't need anyone to help me, you don't even know what I'm going though."

"Yes I do," I reassured her.

"No! You don't! You don't understand what it's like to loser your parents when you're only 16. You don't understand what it's like to have to ignore your little sister your entire life. You can't possibly know how I feel. No one can even see you."

Ouch. Okay that hurt. "I lost everything when I became Jack Frost. I lost my sister, my mother, my friends. Everything."

She sighed at that and as she spoke her words were kind of broken up, "I just, Jack, you have to leave. Just go."

What was her problem? A minute ago she was happy to see someone like her and now she's pushing me away?

"Jack! Seriously, you can't stay here."

"Why not? Why do you push people away?"

"You know nothing about me" she said and walked further away.

"I know that you have a sister who loves you, but you left her because you're afraid to hurt her. I know you have this amazing gift, I know-"

"It's not a gift! It's a curse. I hurt people because of it."

By then, I was frustrated, people would love to have her powers, and in a way she was kind of insulting me and my powers.

"No Elsa, your powers don't hurt people. You do. By shutting them out."

"You don't understand Jack, just leave."

"Okay I will leave" I walk closer to her and grab both her hands to face me, but her head in staring down at the flow. "I'll leave, if you can look me in the eyes and tell me you don't want my help and you never want to see me again. That's the only way."

"J-Jack" she looks up to face me...

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