Second Chances

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Another Dream. Seriously, most of my fics are about my dreams.. ^_^

I was originally planning to make this one a one shot, but it's going to be really long so I divided it.

This was bugging me for a month now, so hard that it made it difficult for me to write Say My Name.

Also, this is not Betaed. So the grammar is ridiculous, I hope you don't mind.

Thanks for reading.

Disclaimer: I Wish I Own Bleach.


Vindicated, I am selfish, I am wrong, I am right
I swear I'm right, swear I knew it all along
And I am flawed but I am cleaning up so well
I am seeing in me now the things you swore, you saw yourself


"Here comes Blue~!"

Renji's whisper sent shivers all over Ichigo's body as he slowly turned to the direction where his red-haired friend is staring.

And he can't help but frown.

Grimmjow is taking his time walking towards the school building with his girlfriend, Neliel.

They looked so happy, he thought.

"I wonder what will the color of their child's hair is going to be."

Nnoitra suddenly shouted as Grimmjow pass by their table. Well, it's more of a statement than a question. He laughed as he took a handful of fries before stuffing it all inside his mouth, chewing loudly as he smirked. Ever since Grimmjow transferred into their school, Nnoitra has been really pissed. Specially when Grimmjow started courting Neliel, and Neliel agreeing to go out with Grimmjow.

He likes Neliel. But was too afraid of ruining his reputation as a delinquent once he decided to go out with her, because she is a certified scholar. A nerd. He doesn't like other people to make fun of him by going out with a nerd. So he just stayed away from her. Even pissing her off every now and then because that's the only way he could interact with her.

"I'm sure that it's going to be as colorful as the rainbow.."

Renji replied with a huge grin plastered on his mouth. He merrily bite his burger not even bothering for any table manners as he laughed, making some of the crumbs fly out from his mouth. Disgusting.

Ichigo can't help but sigh, this is going to be really disastrous by the end of the day.

"Oi oi, it's not like your hair is different, RED."

Syazel said. He put a strong emphasis on the word Red, making sure that Grimmjow would hear it. He's such a Grimmjow fan, Ichigo thought.

"Well, at least mine is natural. Wanna see it? Pink?"

Syazel grinned from the challenge. He flipped his hair as he stared back towards Renji. His eyes twinkling. Yeah. Syazel would never back down from it. Because he's gay. The Gayest of them All as what Nnoitra would always say.

It's not like the group cared about his sexual orientation. In fact it was super fine with them. However, they kept on forgetting about it. So they would always end up challenging Syazel about "manly" things, and they would always be the ones to back down from it. Because they seriously need to protect their chastity from him.

Second ChancesWhere stories live. Discover now