Still Breathing

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The second chapter, at last!


Thanks for the wait..

Oh, this is not Betaed, so please do not kill me because of the wrong grammars.

I have no beta as of now, and I don't know how the Beta thing works.. *smiles*

Anyway, I hope you guys would enjoy this.

Disclaimer: I own just the story. ^_^

To the unknown!


"Still Breathing"

It's hard to be a man

But I'm doing all I can

I'm ready to give this all I have

I'm ready to be amazed

'Cause I'm standing here alone

Trying to make this life my own

And nothing will keep this heart from beating

I'm still breathing



Grimmjow slowly took his time as he walked towards the gate of their school. Neliel's project with Rukia is not done yet. So he had no choice but to go home alone again.

He saw someone stared at him and he can't help but grin. Everyone is still amazed by his looks. That's okay, but grinning is something that he shouldn't have done.

His jaw throbbed, and his grin was immediately replaced by a wince.

His hand flew towards it, as if rubbing it will lessen the pain.

That fucking Ichigo.. He really gave his all to that punch..

He flexed his jaw and sighed. Neliel's reaction this morning was, weird too. He didn't know why she's being like that. She's always talking about or asking about Ichigo. If he didn't know that Ichigo is not interested with Neliel, he would have killed Ichigo already out of jealousy.

He sighed.

Every morning, he would always pick Neliel up from her dorm and they would always walk together to school. And this morning was no exception.

It was just funny how animated Nel's face was when she saw him this morning.

Surprised, afraid, annoyance, all were mixed up on her face.

"What happened?!"

Grimmjow just smiled sheepishly before he looked down to avoid her questioning stares. "Ichigo."

Nel just sighed before she approached him, he immediately returned his gaze towards her.

"Itsygo. Really." She sighed. "He really did kicked your ass this time huh."

Grimmjow just laughed. He didn't know why, but when it comes to Ichigo, his girlfriend was so patient and forgiving. As if him fighting Ichigo was something unavoidable every once in a while. She was only like this towards Ichigo.

"As if I'm goin' to let him get away without any marks from me! I gave him a very powerful uppercut!"

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