Chapter 7

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(Alittle over a year later. Emma and Killian both 18 and finishing up Senior Year of High School.)

Emma's POV

After my mom died things didnt get any better for me. About a week after she past Killian came over with a beat up face and said that he got into a stupid fight, but I knew once again he had been lying. I dont talk to him as much now that he has lied to me so many times.

"Emma, hey you ready?" David asks.

"Yeah Im ready." I say.

We got up and walked out of the diner where we were eating. I saw Killian's brothers and his father, but not him.

"Thats odd. Killian isnt with them. Hey Brennan is everything alright?" David asks walking over to them.

"Yeah everything is fine. You havent seen Killian have you? He has gone missing." Brennan says.

"What?" I question.

"He dropped off a package to his mother and we havent seen him the rest of the day." Brennan says.

"Okay I'll help you. Emma please go home." David says.

"Okay." I say.

As David walked off with them I noticed that both Liam and Lee were moving their heads in the direction of the docks. I waited for them all to be out of sight and then went to the docks.

"Your pathetic." I heard a mans voice say.

When I looks around the corner I saw Killian being hit by his stepfather. I called my dad and Killian's stepfather was taken away. As Killian talked to everyone he saw me and I walked way.

"Im sorry Emma. I couldnt tell you." Killian says.

"An why not?" I ask.

"Because if you knew back then you would have thought your stepdad would do the same to you." He says.

"Killian I know David would never ever hurt me even back then." I say.

"Swan, please dont be upset with me." He says.

"You should have told me." I say.

"Okay Im sorry." He says and hugged me.

"I need to go. I'll see you later." I say.

I walked over to David and we went home.

"Emma are you okay?" He asks.

"Yeah its just seeing him hurt Killian kinda scared me." I say.

"I want you to know that I would never ever hurt you. Even though your mother is gone I will never let anything bad happen to you." He says.

"I know. Thank you for never hurting me." I say to him.

"Your welcome." He says.

Killian's POV

After what happened Emma and I patched things up and tonight was Prom Night. I saw Emma and Graham and I got mad.

"Killian lets dance." Milah says.

I stood up and then saw Graham grabbing on Emma and she was pushing away.

"Hey let her go." I say pushing Graham back.

"This doesnt concern you." Graham says.

"If your hurting Emma its does concern me." I say to him.

"Back up pretty boy. Go back to your slut and let me deal with mine." Graham says.

"Okay thats its." I say and punch him serval times until Emma pulled me off.

"Killian stop." She says.

"Im taking you home." I say to her.

"What about Milah?" She asks.

"Who cares your more important." I say.

I took her hand and took her home. She meant everything to me. Though she doesnt feel the same I will always protect her.

Emma's POV

It was now the day of graduation and I havent spoken to Graham since he did what he did. Killian hasnt really left me alone since the incident. After the graduation ceremony I went out to dinner with David.

"So you leave for college in a few days how does that feel?" He asks.

"It feels crazy to be leaving, but Im excited." I say.

After dinner I met with Killian and he seemed upset.

"Hey Swan." He says.

"Hey why so glum?" I ask.

"Your leaving and I will never see you again." He says.

"Killian I will be back. I will see you all the time. We will always be friends." I say.

"Promise?" He questions.

"I promise." I say.

Over the next couple days I packed things up and it was time to go.

"Goodbye Emma." David says and hugs me.

"Goodbye... Dav...Dad." I say.

"Wow thats is something new and nice to hear from you Emma. Goodbye sweetie." He say.

I went into the car and Killian came to the car.

"Goodbye Swan." Killian says.

"Goodbye Jones." I say.

"Im gonna miss you." He says.

"Im gonna miss you too." I say.

"Okay. Can I do one thing?" He asks.

"Yeah sure." I say.

He placed his hand on my face and kissed me. Then he pulled away and kissed my head. When he backed away from my car and I drove away and all I can think about is the kiss Killian gave me. Was he into me or was he just saying goodbye?

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