Koroma's blood lust

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                                                                                       time skip

"Hey the mid terms are coming up in two weeks."

"Hey what are your best subjects Kaede?"

"Well i'm good at Japanese History!"

"That is different"

"How are you good at that"

"It is interesting. What are you good at Koroma."

"I'm good at math and chemistry!" 

I think this fun to take the exams it is fun to test your limits. Koroma is one of the best it the school always in the top ten. But he is weird and gets in fights but i can't sense a blood lust from him. Can he hind it or what is his problem. I think because of his mom he is calm but his dad is crazy so it is bad. Koroma is good at staying calm during a fight because he thinks he does nothing wrong  so maybe he doesn't have a blood lust.       

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