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So as expected Koroma got 2nd on the mid terms. And the rest got 30 or bellow but it was still good for class3-E.

"wait Koroma you got 2nd on midterms are you going back to the main school building. No I want to try to kill Koro-sensei a bit longer and I would miss Karsuma and Ms.Vitch and all my friend to much."

"But you wont get bullied anymore."

"I don't get bullied in the first place they are to scared to bully me I'm like double there size and I can fight."

"that's right i forgot but could you help me find Karasuma need to talk with him."

"OK! Kaede let's go!"

"well! It looks like we couldn't find him. I can walk you home if you like we do go the same way and your dad said he had to stay late for something so......"


what is this feeling I get when we are alone that make me feel more relaxed. well I don't  know but. I guess he can walk me home this once! 


sorry if i forget to tell you guys but she is a little anti-social and her friend are the only ones she talks to. And she loves talking to Koroma the most. She feels the safest isn't that adorable^.^

just for your guy information thing are going really dark from now on so this was just some nice chapters that I will put in. The darkness and if you don't like darkness you should stop reading because it is going to go really bad. 

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