Chapter 1 ..

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Chapter 1 .. Stiles.Pov

5 months ago my dad officially told me that he's been dating a new lady named Clarisse ,how they're  "in love.."

And how her and her son Derek are going to move in with us. Derek is two years older than me and Is a junior..

How could you miss him? He's incredibly gorgeous with his deep green eyes, sexy body and his strong bone structure .. You'd think he's a hollister model .

I've always been scared of him and his friends because of how they bully me..

Except Derek refuses to hurt me himself. But never tries to stop them either which is just as bad

To see him act like he doesn't care hurts alot and if I'm honest I can say that it's because I'm secretly in love with Derek .

And have been in love with him for as long as I can remember.

In 7th grade I had life science with him, we had a project to do and the teacher assigned us partners. We began to become better friends during those 5weeks.

That's when I officially decided I was gay .

My best friend scott is the only one who knows. When I told him I was so afraid that he wouldn't want to be my friend anymore , like most of my other Friends that ditched me because I was a "Fag" but not Scott .

At first wen my dad told me they were moving in I was okay with it but little did I know it was my long life crush that's moving in...

This should be interesting ..




Im sleeping with my step brother ( Sterek )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora