How 'it' Began.

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It was another day at school. Meaning there was another lesson of English. Ugh... It's not like I hate the subject; it's just that the lessons are always awkward. Last time, Jack asked the teacher if she was married. Idiot. First of all, she's a Miss. Second, why would you ask that question. Talk about being nosy. As I finished walking up the remaining steps, I turned and entered the classroom. There I found my seat taken. Did Miss move me? "Ah Oscar. Just in time, you now sit at the front."


Why do I have to sit at the front? Now that's just favouritism. You see, the teacher's pet is Joey Edwards. She swapped me with Joey Edwards. I loved sitting at the back. I could see everything that happens- from cheating on tests to fights. It was the best spot. Quickly, I sat in my brand-new chair, taking out my equipment. "Hi." Looking over my shoulder , I see Caitlin. Caitlin Davies. "Hi." Now that was weird. Caitlin is queen of the year. Fuck, she rules the school-even has the principal on his knees. Why would she talk to someone like me? To her, I'm a little peasant.

"Hey Oscar, can I talk to you after class?" Her lips formed a light smile.

"Sure." What did I just say? I swear if it's about what happened last week, I'm a goner. I put slime in her bag. What? It was funny.

"Alright class, today we are learning about emotion and thought. You are also going to have a project. Jessica, can you hand out the sheets, please." Wow. This teacher doesn't want us to get some rest. She already gave us homework to write a 5 paged essay on Michael Morpurgo's book War Horse. As Jess came around, I took a sheet and read the title. 'Homework project: Diaries'. Seriously?

"Your homework project is to write a diary about what you've done, how you've been feeling and your thoughts for the next two weeks. Then you will hand it to me and I will mark it. Any questions?" Yeah I've got one. What if your life is not worth writing down?

"Miss, does it have to be personal?" Nah, Nathan. What do you think diaries are used for?

"Yes but if you feel too uncomfortable, you can just write about what you've done through out those two weeks. Anymore questions? Ok , great, let's start the lesson."

The hour ended and everyone left the classroom. Finally, the classroom was about to get flooded with tears. Literally, that video of kittens crying. It was so sad. I stood outside, waiting for Caitlin. "Oscar," She exit the room and stood in front of me, her skirt pulled all the way near her chest and a little, pink bow sitting on her golden, blonde hair. What does she want?

"So, Oscar, I know this sounds a bit weird but," Yes? "Do you want to go out sometime like today at six?" What the fuck? I'm I getting delusional? Did she say what I think she just said?


"Oh, um.. Sure. See you at six." she leaned in, her warm lips touched my cheek.

"Bye!" She giggled then left, leaving me near unconsciousness. I'm going on a date with Caitlin Davies. Don't you think that's really bizzare? Why didn't she ask Jim? Her apparently 'husband to be'. Anyways, next was P.E. I've never liked P.E. but for some reason I'm pretty good at most of the activities we do. You should see me kick a ball. Last time, it almost hit Jim on the head. LOL. He got so pissed, his fist left a giant mark on my face. I can still see the outline of it. "Oi, Drakes." Speak of the devil-it was Jim. Running down the stairs, charging through the doors I ran, Jim following behind. " Hey Oscar, I heard you have a date with Caitlin. Stay away from her or else."

"Or else what?" Out of nowhere, I see Josh. Uh Oh. "Or else what, dickhead? Charge from through him like a fat pig? Oh well that's what you do all day anyways. So there's no difference there."

"Shut up!"

"Why won't you shut up and piss off? Fuck. Off." Once again Josh saves the day. Jim stormed off, kicking the doors open.

"I can defend my self, you know." What a lie. Even at my angriest, I do no damage whatsoever.

" 'Sure'. Let's go to the changing rooms, come on." As we enter the boys changing rooms, it was same. Socks over 2 years old sitting comfortably on the benches; walls covered with words that you do not need to know. I started to get changed, shirt, socks and shorts on ready to go. I left the room and entered the gym. But slowly I realised something was different.

New teacher.

Mr. Knowles did mention he was leaving but I thought he was joking. We can't have a new teacher. One- Mr. Knowles was the best; two- what if the teacher's mean and doesn't like children? Yeah, right she would become a teacher because she hates children. Everyone finished changing and was sitting on the gym floor. I sat at the front, examining the new teacher. For all I know, this teacher could be here to torture us. "Morning, children. I will be your brand new teacher from now. You will call me by Miss Lovell." Miss Lovell, eh? I'm onto you. I look around and see Caitlin smiling and blowing kisses at me. Ew. " Today we will be playing some basketball matches." Yay... Miss Lovell wrote teams on the board, spelling mostly everyone's names wrong. Searching through the board, I find my name as well as Charlie's, Josh's and.... Caitlin's. Why? I'm I destined to be with Caitlin? Sure, she's beautiful, blonde hair and blue, wavy eyes but she's not my type.

An hour passed and it was time to go home and rest, well not for me. I have a date to attend and it's not going to be pretty. I'm new to this romantic stuff. For example, do you bring flowers when you go on a date? Or chocolate? "See you later, Oscar."


What I'm I suppose to do? Oh no...

Love. At a Different Level.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz