Chapter 6

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{Sherlock's pov}

Molly walked swiftly, and with purpose. I watched her out of the corner of my eye, with a bit of admiration. She was acting like me. Her voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"I saw her come this way. She bought a bracelet at this store, and then took a left at this point."

"Bracelet? What kind of bracelet?" My mind began to tumble. Irene is incredibly wealthy. Why would she be interested in a bracelet from the mall?

Molly gave me an odd look. "Pink beads. Why?"

Of course! "Not beads Molly, pearls. According to Mycroft, some jewel thieves recently smuggled in some pink pearls from Japan. The Woman is extremely wealthy, and would have no need for some cheap beads from the mall, but pearls, pearls are right up her ally."

"Would you like me to phone Lestrade?" Moly questioned.

"Oh no, he would only get in the way. Stay with me, Molly. I will be needing you."

"Needing me?"

"Yes, well who else can I trust?"

Molly blushed slightly.

"What is it Molly?" I asked her, wondering what on earth was making her blush.


"Of course."

{Molly's pov}

He has a way of doing that, Sherlock does, making me blush. I'm not entirely sure why. I followed him in and out of stores. He was like a hound dog, following a fresh sent, worried it would soon be gone.

He led us out onto the crouded street. I stayed close behind him, not wanting to get lost in the crowds.

He began to mumble to himself. "Where did she go, where did she go? Not that way, no, this way? No. How?! How can someone disappear into thin-" He suddenly stopped "Oh Molly. We've been going about this all wrong. She hasn't disappeared at all. She's still in the clothing store."

You've Always Counted, Molly Hooper (Sherlolly)Where stories live. Discover now