Chapter 11

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{Molly's pov}

I felt myself gaining consciousness again. Light began to flood into my eyes, and past events into my mind. I began to panic. The room I was in was completely white. I had been placed in the far corner of the room, and something else was in the middle, a large box.

"Sherlock!" I cried, even though the reasonable side of me told me that no one would hear me, and Sherlock wouldn't come.

But someone did seem to hear me.

"Hullo!" The voice came from inside of the box, and sounded like the person was talking through a radio.

"Look at this mess! I can't belive Sherlock dragged you into this!"

I began to shake. I knew the voice.

"Now I'll tell you that I'm quite enjoying this. Don't worry, Sherlock is putting up much of a fight." He paused for a second before continuing. "You do know who I am, right? I mean, I would hope so. It'd be pretty sad if you didn't." He paused again.

I began to realized that he has paused in hopes that I would answer. I refused.

"Well, just to jog your memory a bit, I'm back, did you miss me?" The radio went silent and a new voice came over.

"Hello you poor thing. I understand that you don't know who I am, and you don't trust me, which is completely understandable, but I thought I'd let you know something. This cardboard box contains a bomb, and I have the button. I could blow you up before you even realized what had happened. So I'd behave if I were you."

I could only guess that the warning was from the woman whom Sherlock had talked about. I began to shake even more. Finally, a third voice came to the radio.

"Molly, don't worry. It's all alright." Sherlock's shaky voice comforted me a bit. "Just stay put. It's going to be alright. I promise everything will be -" He was cut off by the voice of Moriarty.

"Oopsy! Looks like he lost connection. Well, enjoy your stay!"

Tears sprang into my eyes, and the shaking became more violent than ever.

"Sherlock, please." I whispered.

You've Always Counted, Molly Hooper (Sherlolly)Where stories live. Discover now