Chapter 1 - Peanut Butter on Toast

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Terezi had been working as the valet and receptionist of her domineering mother's hotel, Pyrope's Place, since her 13th birthday.
Pulled into the deep abyss of family tradition, if you may.
Terezi mulled over her thoughts as she sat at the receptionist's desk at 6:30 AM. This was incredibly silly, no one came here this early. But Redglare demanded obedience, or else.

She took her box of colored chalk out of a drawer and selected the beautiful cherry red stick. Terezi sniffed it, inhaling the sweet smell for a bit before shoving it into her mouth, sucking it like a lolly. She felt around the cluttered desk and found her small clock. The glass had been poked out so she could feel the hands of the clock and the slightly elevated numbers.

Hmm. Only ten more minutes before she was off duty and free to get breakfast from Latula, the hotel's chef and housekeeper. She was also the heiress to the establishment, and Terezi didn't envy her in the least. Hopefully as soon as her sister took over she could be dispatched for good.

Or at least after tenth grade she could escape to college for a degree in law. Terezi bristled with sudden excitement. Not for tenth grade, which she had as much use for as a second pair of horns, but for the thought of becoming a legislacerator and bringing justice to all of Alternia.
Soon her little high had begun to subside, and Terezi's eyelids started to droop even more. She lazily set the clock down where she thought she had taken it from and settled down for a short nap. She had to be sure to wake up before Redglare came out for breakfast or she'd really catch it.
Terezi was just dozing off when the huge glass doors of the hotel swung open and a troll rushed in. He smelt disgusting, like fish and... well, desperation (:P).

Terezi couldn't sleep like this, so she sat up. "What the fu-" she started to say, then stopped herself. Redglare did not allow swearing under any circumstances. "How can I help you?" She scowled. "Eridan."

A/N: eridan i love you but someones got to be the anatogonist here ;0; gomenasai

"Quick, Terezi! Give me a damn room!" Eridan said impatiently. Terezi knew he was hiding something. Maybe he was even on the run from the law! Well, he had chosen the wrong place to seek shelter, that was for sure!

Terezi suddenly filled up with energy and took out her dragon cane. "What have you got in your hand?" She asked, guessing he was holding the embezzled items (Where else? On the end of his nose?).

Eridan gasped. "How the fuck? You can't see!" He cried, then quickly lowered his voice. "I... I stole one of Cro's shitty records because apparently it's an antique and I can sell it and clean up." He muttered.

Terezi tilted her head and thought for a second, then lifted her cane and brought it right down hard on Eridan's head. He yelped and stepped back.

"We have a strict 'No-Law-Breakers' policy. And an even stricter 'No-Bul-... Bunk' policy. So you can get your sorry little-" she hated that damn no-swearing rule.

"Please leave." She said.

"Nyeh." Eridan pouted. He may have flipped her off, but she couldn't see it. He stormed angrily out, and was confronted by a rather pissed-off sibling. They crossed the street to their dingy little drugstore/pawnshop/brothel (for all she knew), Cronus practically biting his brother's limbs off before turning to kiss the Bing Crosby (he is not a douchebag thank you very much listen to one of his songs sometime theyre bloody great) record and hold it up heavenwards to admire it some more.

Terezi sat back down, happy to have lead another triumph for the law. She felt the hands of her clock again. 6:30, time for breakfast! She picked her cane back up, chewed up the rest of the chalk in her mouth and swallowed it, and walked into the dining room.

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