Chapter 8 - Like Redglare

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"I'm not going to school."

Terezi pulled the covers right over her head and flipped over so her back was to her sister.

Latula yanked her covers off her head and put a palm on her forehead.

"You don't have a fever, sis! You've gotta go to school!"


"What are we going to tell mum?"

Terezi thought.

"Tell her I've got a fever."

"You don't!"

"She doesn't care enough to check."

Latula sat down on Terezi's bed. She put her hand on the lump in the covers.

"Of course she cares about you, Tez! She's just... unemotional."

"She doesn't care about me. She obviously likes you better. Everyone does."

"That ain't true! I've got more enemies than I know skateboarding tricks! You're the one to be envied, Tez. You're really rad."

"You're a horrible liar."

"I'm not lying! Okay, sis, you stay home, but I'm not saying anything to mum and if she finds out then I know nothing."


Sighing, Latula rose and left the room.

Terezi rolled over onto her back, listening to the rain pour outside. She wished it was a thunderstorm, big enough for school to be cancelled. Big enough to flood the school. Big enough so people had to volunteer and help other people whose houses had been washed away. Big enough so she could stay in her bed forever.

She lay there, listening to a comedy show on the radio until Latula kicked the door open. She placed a tray on the bedside table and sat on her bed again.

"See, mum told me to bring you breakfast."

Terezi sniffed the tray. It was a bowl of warm milk and some slices of bread.

"If you don't eat it I've got orders to spoon-feed you."

Terezi sat up quickly and felt dizzy from the blood flowing from her head.

"Fine! I'll go to school."

Latula raised a hand for a high-five but Terezi didn't return it. Latula went out and came back with a box of Fruit Loops under her shirt. Gratefully, Terezi poured a hearty lot onto her warm milk and started eating. Latula got changed into her going-out clothes for her day with Mituna. Then she turned on the television and turned off the radio. Terezi couldn't understand what was happening, she could have sniffed harder or gone up to lick the screen but she didn't care much for this form of entertainment. Lots of people being killed and yelling at each other. Latula said the show was 'Devious Maids'. Terezi thought it sounded a bit like some kind of hentai.

A/N: what. what? WHAT?
i play undertale too??? no i dont i cant beat muffet for the life of me
but mad dummy is my spirit animal type thing

Terezi finished her cereal and got changed reluctantly. She chose a plain black shirt and put on a black hoodie with her sign printed on the front in teal. Then she slipped on some dark blue jeans. Since it was still raining heavily outside she put on some red shoes. She didn't like the squeaking noise her crocs made when they were wet. Her bag was hanging on the bedpost.

"Need a lift?" Asked Latula, eyes not straying from the telly.


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