Chapter 4 - The Rad Miles

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Terezi burst into the study as Redglare had her finger poised over the button, about to press it a third time.

"Terezi. I see you're well again." She said, her voice abruptly cold and her eyes abruptly narrowed behind her red spectacles. Terezi realised her mother had been expecting Porrim. She had never summoned Terezi when she was on her shift.

"I'm, uh, quite well now. Uh, thank you." She muttered, hoping she was loud enough to hear and trying to keep herself on her feet.

"Did I stutter?"

"No, I'm sorry."

"Well," Redglare sighed, "As long as you're here, take a letter. Although I admit I shall probably have to get Latula in. Your shorthand has never been proved decent." She raised a tapering finger towards a stately looking desk with a jar of black ink and pen aligned neatly next to a stack of crisp parchment placed on top.

Terezi nodded and carefully pulled the chair out, glancing up nervously at her mother when a leg scrapped lightly on the polished hardwood floor. She took the fountain pen in one hand and filled it with ink while Redglare drummed her fingers impatiently on her own desk. The ink was putrid. It smelt like someone had dunked Vriska into a vat of angry and quite possibly pubescent octopi. Too scared to chuckle at the thought, Terezi looked up at her mother, the signal that she was ready.

"Alright, write exactly as follows. You can write, can't you? Well, we'll just have to see. Dear Judge Limemuzzle."

A/N: lol btw Congressman Limemuzzle is my scalemate name no stealing >: [

Terezi tried her best to smell her way across the page, but the overwhelming scent of ink was throwing her off. Her headache wasn't helping matters, either.

"You got that?" Redglare asked, thumbing through the pages of a worryingly large law volume as she spoke. "Dear Judge Limemuzzle, I would like to bring this case to you that I am sure will be of much interest. My client has been sold a decrepit, moth-eaten coat upon false claims and wishes that the dealer should be brought to the attention of the court as it is too awful to walk down the street in. Also, please note that my client is a working girl and a citizen. Naturally, she cannot afford to pay for a coat that's hair is already falling out, sign it Redglare Pyrope, attorney at law. Give it here."

Terezi hastily scribbled her mum's name as neatly as possible and handed it to her to sign. She then turned to leave, but her mother pulled her back.

"I'll have to approve this before you go out. Stay there."

Redglare skimmed over the letter. Her face grew teal with anger and she clutched the side of her desk so hard it looked like she might leave a dent in the redwood. Terezi stepped back, wondering what she could have done wrong.

Redglare handed the paper back to her, seething with resentment. "Read it." Was all she said.

Terezi sniffed at the words but then Redglare yelled, "Aloud, you fool!" and whacked her fist on the desk.
Terezi jumped and started to recite the letter.

"Um... Dear Judge Limemuzzle, um..." Her keen nose sniffed the next line and she froze. Good god.

"Yes, dear?" Redglare dragged the words out slowly, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Don't stop now."

"You have sold my client a fur coat that is worthless and too awful for a working girl who is, um... who is d-decrepit and m-moth-eaten. She is a citizen and her hair is... falling out... and when she walks down the street she doesn't... get any attention from the police....." Terezi trailed off, unable to read anymore.

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