Translations From Sacrifices, Crawl Holes, and Trash Talking in Spanish

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This first part was in Spanish before I translated it.

" Hello there fellow people.  How is the day," I say in Spanish just to mess with their heads.

" May I see your Allocation card? " The chubby guy glares at me obviously not liking my translations.

The second part was in French.

"You see now, I might have lost the card when you blew up my school. See now, in all the chaos I probably dropped it. My name is Audrey Young, or wait , I 'm just another Number like everyone else. I thought I 'm not very important. You do not have trackers on them? It's your fault if I lost it, not mine. And for all those children that you scare and are wondering what in the hell is happening, I just wanted to let you know , we are human beings, we are not supposed to be children playing soldiers. " Oh sometimes you have to love the fact that they forced us to learn French. Serenity could speak French and Spanish more fluent than me and glared at me even more when she heard that I told him my name.

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