6- This Means War

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"Turn your right ear away from the madness."


"Audrey, if he doesn't wake up soon we are going to have to leave him."

I look up at Carlie, shocked, "We can't leave him! Remember your deal when we started the gym exercises?"

"Never give up," Serenity mutters staring onto the dirt patch she was drawing absentmindedly in.

"Never give in EVEN if you are bribed with food." I look at Carlie, pleading using her with puppy dog eyes.

"Never leave anybody behind," Carlie finishes stubbornly. 

"Carlie, he has to wake up soon." I grab Tobias's slackened hand. He passed out almost three days before and hasn't woken up, but I've taken care of him. We haven't moved from the hole because of a constant shrill I presume to be something undesireable. Serenity growls in her corner as she erases something on her drawing she's been working on. Carlie crawls over to the bookshelf, looking at the collection of books stolen over our Grade 6 year. She had read all of the books at least four times in the past three ays, and it was clear that she wanted to get out of the hole.

"I'm going to go take a walk," Carlie announces. She awkwardly tries to slip through the three of us, but Serenity blocks the exit.

"The school grounds have become a battle field within the past three days and you want to go take a walk?" Serenity starts to raise her voice.

"Serenity," Carlie mutters, "I'll be fine." Carlie shoves her out the way aggressively and climbs out into the open. Serenity cradles her face in her hands, blood dripping down onto her palms.

"Carlie Rene!" Serenity shouts from the corner.

I crawl toward the entrance of our den with my bag and a spare gun in my waste band. I don't want to make any fatal mistakes. Especially in a world like this, at a time like this. It is then that I hear the sound of footsteps around our hideout.

"Crap," Serenity whispers, "No one make a sound." Someone outside kicked a rock that hits the mirror playset outside of the hideout.

"It's hollow," a strong voice says. I look through a crack in the wall to see who is standing outside. I see two fairly tall men and one extremely toned woman.

"Max, check the inside. Faculty of school might have stored forbidden objects in there. Chris, keep watch and guard Max. Make sure no one is coming. I will be searching the rest of the playgrounds for any other hideouts," the woman says.

"Sure thing, Sam," one of the men, either Chris or Max, says. As Max was coming toward the den, I step out of the hideout. All at once, their guns were pointed at me.

"State your name, age, address, and allocation card number," Max said.

"Ally Clark, sixteen, 206 Michaelson Street, 137542975," I hand him my fake allocation card with all the same information. He takes one look and raises his eyebrow. Ice shoots down my back as I realize he's from the government. His combat boots and ugly gray jumpsuit are covered in a dark red color, his hands are splattered with the same color. I hear him scan my card, but I don't pay attention. That could be the blood of anyone. It could be my sister's blood, but there's no mistaking it, it is a child's blood.

"Ally Clark," Max says strictly, "what are you doing outside of the school?"

"Um," I hesitate not really wanting to let my sarcasm take over my comments. I dont really want to get shot today. "Sir, I was walking to the bathrooms when these big planes came in and started dropping these bombs. None of the teachers would let me into a classroom, so I hid in this little hideout I saw these kids crawl in back in Grade 4."

Chris looks me over and spits at my feet. "And why woud you be going to the bathroom out here?" Shoot. "And while we are at questions, why is a sixteen year old girl on the elementary playground?" I think of running and going find Carlie.

"Well I help... a class. And... they were... coming outside... to play?" I stutter through my lie, not even thinking straight.

"Chris- cuff her," Max declares with a wicked grin plastered to his grimy face.

Chris smiles the same gruesome smile as he pulls out handcuffs and a tazor. I don't  move- I'm too shocked. Chris wrenches my arms behind me. I wince at the feeling, but I stand as still as possible. I don't want today to be the first time I'm tazed. He shoves my hands into the handcuffs and tightens them. I stand, panic-stricken as I realize that he will take our most important supplies because my idiot self took them with me instead of leaving them with Serenity.

Chris takes my shoulder with one of his large hands and holds the tazor to my spine with the other. He walks me away from the hideout, and in the distance I see Carlie jumping the fence to the forest.

Running away

Leaving us.

 Well now, this means war.

A/N: Horray for short chapters :D

And lemme tell you... PLOT TWISTTT!!

QotC: Do you think Carlie will come back?

Who knows... Wait, I do ^.^


Love you guys ~Camanam <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2014 ⏰

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