5- And Can't Get Up

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A/N: OMG GUYS IM SO SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED IN FOREVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR. I have had a whole bunch of schoolwork plus I was caught up in winterguard season... Love you guys <3

Oh and shoutout to Shememmy, one of my role models when it comes to writing. You are awesome and I'm trying to make that alternate universe. GUYS DONT FORGET TO READ HER BOOKS GAMES, GUNS, AND MUTUAL APPRECIATION AND THE SIDE OF THE ANGELS... They are the best Sherlock fanfics EVAAAAAAAAAAAR

Sorry I could go on forever about how amazing shem is but there is a story waiting for youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

The ground shakes every time a bomb touches down and I'm thrown forward. There aren't anymore planes, but the fires haven't been put out. Tears roll down my face in pain, agony, hurt, and loss. The glass is still lodged in my side. I grab onto the edge that wasn't in me and yank it, screaming. Tears ran down my face as blood spattered the ground from the new cuts on my hand and my attempts of taking the glass out. I look across the concrete slab and see Tobias staring at me. He looks hesitant like he wants to help but he doesn't know how. I think it was really smart hiding as a soldier. Why didn't you think of that? Because you were playing Superman. You didn't think strategy. I put my head to the ground and round my shoulders up. I scream for Carlie. I hear rustling around me. I move my hand away from the wound and gasp. I'll be dead any minute. Tobias kneels beside me and I'm not even sure if I even trust him yet.

"We need to get you help soon," he says to me, a frightened look passes his face.

"No offense," I manage to choke out, "But I don't know if I can even trust you. Where's Carlie and Serenity?" He looks over the other way and a flash of something crosses his face. I look over and see Serenity rubbing her eyes, and Carlie knocked unconscious. I groan out in frustration and pain as I try to sit up, and Serenity looks over at me. She gets up and runs over glaring at Tobias.

"What-" She looks down at my side and sees the glass. "Bitch!" She draws her fist back aiming for Tobias. He looks shocked. He has his arms in the air and doesn't even make an attempt to block her incoming blow.

"Serenity, I landed on it, and there's really no point in killing him. He's just trying to survive like us." She looks at me then Tobias and back again, slowly inching her raised fists down.

"Look we really need to get her fixed," Tobias says his dark hair making his blue eyes more noticeable. They look really familiar, but I can't say where I've sent them. He isn't a student at School Three. Serenity holds her hand out and I take it struggling to pull myself up.

"What about Carlie?" I ask.

"I'm going to go get her," Serenity says, "It won't be a problem, she's small enough for me to carry. So help me, if she gets more hurt than she already is, Toby, I won't hold back."

She runs over to the patch of grass that Carlie lays in and picks her up. I wrap my left arm around Tobias' neck and he wraps his around my waist. Cradling my hand, I whimper when he starts walking, but I eventually give in and let him support me. We reach the playground and I breathe a sigh of relief. I point at the little structure.

There is a spot covered by four mirrors. We noticed in Grade Four that it was hollow on the inside. We dug a hole small enough for us to fit, and then we would cover it with a rug. It had been a while since we had been there, but when we started doing war exercises in gym, we had visited it a lot more often. It was our safe haven when things on the playground got nasty. When people bullied me about my strawberry colored hair. I was pure blonde in Grade One, but it had changed to a redish blondish color. It was the only thing that set me apart from the rest of my group, and I often got bullied for it.

I snap back to reality and carefully kick the mat away. I bring myself to the ground and slip under. Over the years we had decked out the entire thing. During winter break once, we had claimed we were fixing the playground, but we were only finding more ways to get more room in our little safe haven. There is a computer, a few electrical plugs, a lamp, a tv, and a soft rug that works perfectly like a carpet. There used to be a fridge, but we thought it took up too much space. I was so suprised when we came back that the Government hadn't noticed it yet. I guess this just proves that their system isn't perfect as they may perceive it as.

I drag myself right next to the reading lamp. I guess it was worth it leaving a cooler full of food and medicine. I reach over to the cooler and open it. I grab a roll of gauze and some ibprofen. Despite the popular belief that this was a faulty medicine, it works really well. The Government got rid of it along with all of the other over the counter medicines years ago. Let's just say I really perfered this medicine over the gross cherry colored tablets we were given for any illness or pains. Stomachache? Red pill. Cut your foot off at P.E.? Red pill.

I peel the shirt off of the wound and pour a bottle of cold water onto the wound. I cry out in pain when the liquid makes contact, but I endure the pain knowing that I have to clean this. Serenity slips in with Carlie and Tobias follows. The little area was not supposed to fit an extra person to the three regulars, but there is still a lot of room. I wrap the gauze tightly around my wound and pop three ibprofens into my mouth. The pain instantly fades and I sit up.

"Tobias should be fine," Serenity says looking towards me. "He only has a sprained wrist and a bad attitude, but I don't know about you."

"Serenity, I'll be fine." I say, "Look the Government wants to flip tables. So they hit where home was. They destroyed the children. A little stab wound isn't the biggest fire to put out at the moment." Carlie stirs and I breathe a sigh of relief. "I think we need to switch out our bags. We have to leave as soon as Carlie regains her conscious."

"Carlie," Serenity starts, "Your're at the Hideout right now. We're switching out our bags." She nods and sits up. I lift up the rug revealing the hidden hole I dug a few months ago. I lift up the small wooden door. I smile as I grab my bow out of the hole along with my arrows. I load the bag with a small blanket, flashlight, food, water, more gauze, a few more versions of my nuclear guns, and a can of chocolate fudge-like stuff. As much as I would like to have more room for food, I can't help my craving for chocolate.

Even when the Government is starting a war...


Hurah for terrible endings! I'm sorry I really want chololate. Keep reading, the best has yet to come.

Comment below what you think.

Can we trust Tobias?

Will Audrey be okay?

How has the Government not noticed the little hideout?

And what is Audrey's father's story?

Get ready for next Sunday's update. Love you guys.


~Laney :)

P.S. Ignore the errors. I'll get Carlie to edit this later.

Logan Lerman as Tobias on the side.

Okat that is a very old authors note so I decided to update it! :D I went through and edited everything and ya... Now Im working on the new chapter so look out! (CARLIE was supposed to be in charge of that chapter but I guess not -_-)

Love you guys don't forget to like and don't shy away from commenting

love from me ~c a m

Hey guys... If you are following this account and the joint account READ THIS VERSON BC DELANEY ABSOLUTELY SCREWED UP THE ORIGINAL... Yes I updated and edited it... yeah.

Comment below what you think.

ALSO MY question of the day iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiissssssssssssssssssssssssss...

Who cuts their foot off at P.E.? xD

Get ready for next Sunday's update. Love you guys.


-Camanam <3

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