1. I'll Always Worry

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"Get away from him, Uther! You've caused enough harm. You don't belong here. You must return to the other world." I say with as much authority as I can muster. 'Must not show him weakness and I must protect Arthur. No matter what.'

"This is MY kingdom! You think you can drive me from it? You are nothing but a serving boy!" That right there made me snap. 

"I am much more than that." Slamming a bench against a wall, I then look back at Uther.

"You have magic?" Uther says, agitated.

"I was born with it!" My eyes start to feel wet. 'No, I have to hold my ground.'

"I made you Arthur's servant. You're a sorcerer?"

"Even while you were King, there was magic at the heart of Camelot." 'I couldn't keep my mouth shut, could I? No, I couldn't.'

"I will not allow you and your kind to poison my kingdom!"

"You're wrong. You are wrong. About so much. Arthur is a better and more worthy King than you ever were."

"No!" Uther advances towards me, angry. 

"Bael onbryne!" I extend my arms and make Uther fly backwards. Cautiously, I step through the door Uther flew through, with my hand in front of me. Uther wasn't anywhere to be seen, so I went to look for him. Entering the armoury, I looked around when I suddenly hear one of the maces move. Stopping it with my hand, there was a sound behind me. I turned around just before a spear flew passed me, forcing me against the wall. Soon another spear zoomed past my face and cut me slightly. Suddenly, Uther was in front of me, weapon in hand.

"It will give me great pleasure killing you." He said, maliciously.

"Father!" Arthur was behind Uther. 'When did he get here? I mean, I'm happy but still.'

"Arthur! No! Please." Uther said, desperate once he realised what Arthur was planning. "What I have done, I have done for Camelot."

"You've had your turn. Now it's mine."

"Merlin has-" Uther is cut off when Arthur blows the horn, causing Uther to disappear for good. 

Arthur and I both let out relieved sighs as Arthur ran towards me, startling me just a bit. He started to look me over while asking, "Are you okay? Did he hurt you? You're bleeding."

"I'm fine Arthur. It's just a scratch. Nothing big." Arthur has this sad and worried look in his eyes. Actually, after I had gotten kidnapped by Morgana (and almost killed Arthur but he doesn't know that), Arthur has held me with much higher regard and has been genuinely nice to me and overly worried about me. I still wonder why, but to tell the truth, it feels nice. Especially since having magic isn't the only secret I'm hiding. Arthur says something, but I don't really hear what or have the time to ask because not even a moment later, he's pulling me in the direction of his chambers. 

As soon as we enter, Arthur says, "Sit." I do as he says with a confused look on my face. That is, until Arthur walks over with a wet cloth and cleans my cut with it. A semi-awkward silence falls upon us.

"Thanks." I'm the first to break it when Arthur pulls away. 

"There's no need to thank me, Merlin. You aren't just a servant to me, you know." My heart flutters slightly at that and I can't help but smile. Surprisingly, Arthur also smiles back without telling me to "shut up" or telling me I'm an idiot. 

"Well, I best get back to my chambers, it's late." I say after a minute, while pushing the chair in. 

"No! I - I mean, you're right. It is late. Why don't you stay here tonight?" 'That was odd...'

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