2. Magic Un-banned

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Merlin and I were currently in a meeting with all of the knights of the round table. I was finally taking the step to un-ban magic, at least magic used for good. I had called for Gaius to be here as well. "Alright, now that we're all here, I have a proclamation to make." Everyone nodded for me to go on and I could tell how nervous Merlin was. "I'm going to un-ban the use of magic, at least magic used for good." There were a few shocks around the room but no one detested to it. 

"What about Morgana? She's used plenty of magic for evil." Gawain pointed out.

"She did what she thought was right for the sake of the magical people. I hope that with this new proclamation she'll come home and finally be truly happy here in Camelot." Was my simple yet thought through response.

"So you did this to please Morgana and what, get her to leave us in peace?" Percival asked.

"That is part of it, yes. But I also found out that Me- someone dear to me has been protecting me using magic. Which proves it's not all bad and can be used for good. I just hope everyone else in the kingdom can understand that too." I wanted Merlin to be the one to tell the knights. Gaius still seemed shocked and like he couldn't process what had just transpired. 

Merlin snapped his fingers in front of him, "Hey Gaius, are you alright?"

Gaius beamed, "More than alright, this a fantastic and momentous day!" I found a smile creeping onto my face as well as the other knights. That night I called a feast to announce to the nobles of my proclamation. That, however didn't go as well...

"But, sire, all sorcerers should be burned!"

"You're just going to throw all of your father's work away?!" 

"He's gone mad!"

"Silence!" Leon shouted, having had enough. "He is your king and despite your long overdue prejudges, he makes the rules. He is not his father, therefore, whatever his father did can and will be undone to his liking. If he finds it's better for the kingdom of Camelot to make peace with the druids and other magical people rather than continuously going to war with Morgana and the like, then so be it!" Upon finishing his speech, Leon plopped back down into his chair, exhausted. 

"I think we should all call it a night." I spoke a moment after the initial shock had left me. Upon my words, the shocked nobles and knights started heading to leave.

"I'm going to head to my chambers, Arthur. I'm exhausted. I promise I'll make up the chores tomorrow." Upon hearing Merlin's words, I was fully out of shock and turned to grab his wrist.

"No!" I cleared my throat, embarrassed. "I mean, my chamber is closer and you're obviously too exhausted to make it back to your own." I tried to flash a charming yet innocent smile. 

Merlin chuckled lightly, "Really, I'm fine Arthur. I can look out for myself you know. I appreciate the new-found care you have for me, but people will start talking and I'm sure you'd much rather have that nice, warm bed to yourself." No I wouldn't!!

"Please, I insist." I replied, pulling him towards my chambers. "Besides, you would be able to sleep in a few extra minutes before having to clean my chambers." I tried to put off what had happened with a very lame, in my opinion, excuse. 

"Fine you win. I'm too tired to argue with you right now..." Merlin trailed off with a yawn. Tossing my shirt off, I gladly pulled Merlin into bed next to me. 


I awoke to a cold bed. Looking around, I found Merlin already doing his chores. I decided to take some time just watching him do his thing. Merlin tripped over my chair once he saw me staring. "H-hey Arthur! How long have you been awake?" He asked, startled. I shrugged and gave a bright smile. "Did you, uh, did you sleep well?" He was so cute flustered. 

"Very well, thank you Merlin." I chuckled lightly. Getting up from my bed, I swept Merlin off of his feet. Literally.

"What- Arthur!" I couldn't stop myself from laughing. It seemed contagious to Merlin.

"How about we have a nice day out, huh? Just a relax day." I suggested.

"I'd like that, actually." I set him back onto his feet.

"Good, I'll sneak some food from the kitchens, make a nice picnic basket and you can wait for me outside the castle." I flashed a cheeky smile.

"What about the horses, Arthur?" He asked.

"We won't be going far. We both have two feet, Merlin." With that, I headed off for the kitchen after grabbing a clean shirt. 


Merlin and I were sat upon a blanket, eating, when I was pulled to my feet by the neck. "Whoa, Morgana, don't suffocate me." I said with a chuckle.

"And why not?" She asked with venom in her voice.

"Uh, didn't you hear? Magic is no longer banned in Camelot, Morgana. We can all live in peace now, right?" Merlin replied for me. She dropped me to the ground in shock. 

"Si-since when?!" Morgana asked.

"Only since yesterday. You didn't miss out on much, truly." Merlin responded.

"Would you like to come home, 'Gana?" I asked with a light smile. She had teary eyes.

"How do I know this isn't a trick?" She asked, suddenly suspicious.

"Believe what you want, Morgana. We aren't lying." I replied. 

"Fine. But, any sign of funny business and I blast the both of you into the next century."

"Okay. There won't be any need for that, however. Merlin, help me pack the rest of our picnic. We'll escort Morgana back to her old chambers then proceed with our picnic back in mine. It seems like it's going to rain anyways." 

"Alright, Arthur." 

We started to grab everything up when Morgana suddenly asked, "I hadn't noticed you two were having a picnic."

"It was Arthur's idea. He wanted a more 'relaxing' day, as he put it."

"I'm kind of sorry to have ruined it." 

"It's okay. No harm done." I replied with a smile as we headed back to the castle. Entering, the guards were ready to stand their ground if need be but didn't attack. I could see the stress leave Morgana's face as soon as we entered her old chambers. 

"Well, it obviously wasn't a trick. Seeing as you would have had the guards detain me and lead me to the dungeons had it been." She allowed a small smile cross her lips. "Is Guinevere still a servant here? I'd love someone more familiar."

I frowned slightly, "She ran off with Lancelot sometime ago. But, I'm sure we'd be able to find her if you'd like." All she did was nod. "I'm sure you'd like some rest. I'll see you tomorrow, 'Gana." I closed her chamber doors and headed to my own with Merlin in tow. 

"That was slightly awkward to say the least..." Merlin said after a few minutes.

"Awkward yet refreshing. I'm glad she's back. Hopefully this will be good for her."

"I hope so too." Merlin and I started up different conversations as we finished with our picnic and then sat by the fire as the crisp, night air came rolling in. Soon, we were both exhausted and I once again pulled Marlin into my bed to sleep. I'll tell him my feelings tomorrow...

A/N: I forgot to mention that Lancelot doesn't die. Another knight takes his place & the events of "With All My heart" obviously doesn't happen since Gwen's with Lancelot. That is all you lovely nerds~

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