Chapter 3: First day on the Job

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Work for Bill as a servant started that same day. Dipper had sent him off to take Will to the infirmary, per the latter's request. Bill went off quickly when his brother started coughing and shaking again, wishing he could stay to hold him while the nurses gave him shots and herbal medicines. Bill was shoved out of the room immediately and ordered to the servants quarters for a uniform. Once he arrived, they had fitted him with slacks similar to what he was already wearing - just with less holes and much cleaner - and a white long sleeved shirt. He hadn't worn something so new since their aunt and uncle died a few years back. They always told them about what it was like to work in the castle, saying that the king and queen were so kind, and bringing them back cream pies every sunday.

After changing and examining the crisp clothing contrasting against his darker complexion, he started towards King Dipper's chambers. He remembered the way to it from his observing and stealing, but now he felt more exposed. Sunlight streamed in through the stairwell windows, people said a quick hello when he passed, and the weirdest bit of all to him was that this was all legal.

He made it to the chambers and heaved open the door, quickly finding an opening to a room with a window on one wall and a bathtub in the middle of the room. A cart of sorts sat near the wall closest to the bath with towels and a variety of soaps for the king to use. The room felt warm from the sun even though outdoors you required a jacket to keep the chill out. He started filling a bucket with water from a pump in the ground, and dumping it into the bathtub. He knelt down put his hand in to test it but immediately retracted it.

"Shit, that's freezing!" Bill cried. He sat back on his heels and bit his lip. He could just use magic to make to water warm, but the king might find out. It's a risk he might have to take if it means being able to keep the king pleased and get Will better.

Bill put his hands above the surface and closed his eyes, summoning an amount of magic that hadn't been used in years. He was out of practice, but still remembered simple heating spells from winters in the house. Within a minute the water was steaming and ready for a bath. He could only hope Dipper wouldn't come too soon because of the fact that his eyes were drooping and the wall behind him felt very comfortable. Less than a minute passed before Bill was fast asleep against the wall, dreaming of times when both him and Will would practice their spells on flowers in the garden with their aunt and uncle.

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Dipper sighed as he looked at the stack of papers in front of him. He had been working in the library since the meeting with the Cipher twins, and had been doing research on them for the past who knows how long. The king leaned back and stretched his arms over his head, cracking multiple joints with pleasure. How long ago had he asked Bill to run his bath? He wondered and shrugged, pushing away from the desk and starting off towards his chambers. The thought of the servant making his bath brought a blush to his cheeks.

Once he arrived, he closed the door and stripped down, laying his clothes out on his bed. His worries of the bath being cool vanished when he saw steam coming from the connected room. He sauntered over to the tub after closing the second door, ready to slip right in until he noticed a tuft of blond sticking up from behind it. He gave a very unkingly yelp and grabbed for anything to cover himself. His crashing about woke Bill with a start, causing the servant to shoot up instantly.

"S-Sire! I was just finishing up getting your bath ready!" His face grew redder as his eyes drifted down Dipper's nude torso, snapping back up when he reached his smooth hips. "S-s-s-sire, that is a glass pitcher," Bill stuttered out, visibly keeping his head and eyes at the ceiling.

Dipper's eyes darted down and widened as he grabbed a real towel from the rack, placing the pitcher on the table near him. "R-right! Thank you Bill." Bill shuffled nervously, putting his eyes to the ground. "I, uh, I need to take my bath now Bill. Is the water still warm?"

Bill's face lifted with a small smile. "Yes sire, it should still be warm."

"That'll be all then. I don't need you to stay and wash me, don't worry," Dipper laughed nervously. "I'm a big boy."

"That you are," Bill added quietly under his breath. Both snapped up to meet eyes in shock. "I think my brother wanted to see me after I got your bath done. Good night sire!" Bill yelped as he sprinted out of the room leaving his king very flustered.

Bill raced down the corridors, barely avoiding other maids and servants. He ducked into the medical wing and closed the door in a rush. The slam elected a small yelp of surprise from Will, who was now sitting up in bed. He looked better than he had earlier that day, but his face was still paler than normal. His sky blue hair now held a shade that looked like his skin and hair mixed while he slept. Bill could feel his blood pressure drop at the smile the spread across Will's face when he realized it was his brother that had just made the loud entrance.

"Bill, you're back!" he cried, coughing slightly. "How was your first day? Did you meet any nice maids? The nurses here have all been pretty kind. They even let me have some hash brown for taking my medicine so well."

Will's joy was contagious, and after only a few seconds, Bill could feel a smile of his own lighting his whole face. "Oh Will, do I have a story to tell you," he began, "you know how I'm the king's personal servant?" Will noded. "Well I have to draw his bath, and, uh, well," he drifted.

"Well what? Did you see him naked or something?"

Bill sucked in a breath of air and licked his lips. "Oh boy."

Will wheezed with laughter at his brother's reddening face. "Do-do you need some water bro?" he asked, sarcastically gesturing to the cup at his bed side.

"Oh shut up!" Bill cried. Tears streamed down Will's face as he clutched his stomach, beating the bed. Laughter turned into coughing in a split second, leaving Will hacking out his lungs. "Oh shit!" Bill launched into action with well trained ease. He put a hand on Will's back, rubbing circles, whispering a soft healing spell with hopes to ease the pain. Blood stained the once white sheets now and Will was breathing heavily.

"Bill, it hurts still," he said through teary eyes, grasping Bill's shirt.

"I know buddy. It'll all be better soon don't worry. They've got the best nurses here," Bill comforted, taking his brother in his arms.

"Bill we know what it is, why can't we just heal it ourselves?"

"That's not how it works and you know that Will. I'm sorry."  


Hey all! This was a very long time to put up... Sorry about that.

I'll try to get them up a bit faster but I do have obligations in life

pls bare with me. I try

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