Chapter 4: A little adventure never hurts

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The days after didn't get easier for either brother. Between running errands for the king, and trying to make sure Will was kept company, Bill was left with very little time to even eat breakfast.

It came as a surprise when Bill went to wake the king, only to find him already awake, and half dressed himself. Usually it was a task to get him out of bed due to his late nights writing, and planning.

Bill gave a knock on the frame to announce he was there. "I'm not late this morning, so either you haven't gone to sleep, or woke up on your own for a change," he said as he entered.

Dipper looked up from his papers strewn across the desk, giving a stressed smile to his servent. "We have a meeting with the Princess Pacifica of Northend, and I don't have the faintest clue what to say."

"Why don't we get you properly dressed, and then you can continue. When is the meeting today?" Bill walked over to the wardrobe, and picked out casual wear for the king.

"In about an hour," Dipper said. He had gotten up from the desk, and walked over to sit on the foot of the bed. "So I'll be needing my ceremonial robes for the day."

Panic shot through Bill. "I've never put ceremonial robes on someone, Sire." He put away the plain clothes in exchange for the crisp blue and gold jacket, with a pair of black pants. The silk sash still hung on the hanger, waiting to be draped around the king's torso.

Dipper got up, and met Bill in the center of the room. "Don't worry. I'll step you through it this time, but you better remember it. I don't want to go through the trouble of fetching another maid right now."

"Okay. Uh, thank you for letting me try today."

"First thing's first I need my under shirt and pants on," Dipper instructed, pointed at said items lain out on the bed.

Bill fumbled for them as quick as he could, removing what the king had on, and replacing it with the new articles of clothing, that already made him look like a king.

"Good. Now we're going to need my undercoat, followed by my belt, and over coat. The undercoat should have buttons that fit the overcoat which is the blue one with the gold trim."

It was a bit more difficult trying to comfortably fit the new layers on, but Bill managed to neatly get them organized on the king's body. It was the matter of buttoning the overcoat that proved to be a challenge. The gold buttons were bigger than the holes on the opposite side, so it took the work and laughter of the two of them to get them.

"I hope you haven't gotten fatter since the last time you wore this," Bill joked.

"Me too, considering that was just the other week." The two laughed before Bill got the sash and put it around Dipper's body. He stepped back, admiring the handsome form of the king, and trying to make it seem as though he was simply making sure everything was right.

"I think you're all set, Sire. You only lack your cape that you left in the throne room yesterday."

Dipper admired himself in the mirror. "Yeah. I'll make sure that's on before the princess comes." He turned to Bill. "Do I look like a king?"

Bill almost got whiplash from how small the king's voice sounded. Dipper looked like he had spent years under a bar he could never reach, and when he did, the chair was pulled from under him. He was trying to pull himself up, but everytime he slipped people jeered.

Bill's voice was quiet, but sincere. "You've always looked like a king, no matter how many crowns you wear."

Dipper continued looking at him, scanning his face for some form of mockery. Finally he sighed, dropping his gaze, and placing the crown atop his head. "Thank you. We should probably get out there before Mabel comes pounding down my door."

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