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I woke up with something in my face. I looked up to see Kodi sprawled out on my bed. It was her hand that was in my face. I pushed it over and sat up. Alex was at the end of my bed, KC was too. And Tesia was on the floor. She must've fallen off. I chuckled and got out of bed. I picked up all of our trash and left my room. I threw it away then looked at the clock on the stove. I smiled knowing the boys would be gone at a meeting all day and I wouldn't have to deal with the constant reminder of what happened.

I went back into my room and woke all the girls up. I need to keep my mind off of Dana. I haven't exactly broken up with him yet so technically I still have a boyfriend. The girls took me to the movies and then to the beach. After that we went to The Grove. They did everything in their power to keep me smiling. It worked. I didn't think of him once. Well, until we saw Meghan. "Oh look who it is!" She said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. "What? Are you mad because you're boyfriend likes me better?" Her high squeaky voice invaded my ears. I took a deep breath and ignored her. "Exactly my point. Pathetic." A single tear rolled down my cheek as I tried so hard to keep them in. "Listen, bitch! If you don't stop I will personally throw you into the ocean. I don't like you. None of us like you and the boys don't like you. I don't know how you have Dana wrapped around your finger but you need to stop. Understand that he has a girlfriend and back off. I'm sick of your little mind games you have going on and I'm sick of you! So I suggest never stepping foot in that house again unless you want to be eaten by sharks." Tesia snapped. Meghan's eyes got wide and she ran off. I hugged Tesia so hard. "Thankyou so much!" She hugged me back and replied with "no problem."

After that I tried to keep a smile on my face, but Meghan's comment was really getting to me. My boyfriend really does like her more than me. I am pathetic.

We all went back around 9. We were laughing about my stupid animal jokes as we went down the hallway. "Did you get my koalaphications? Yeah but they were irrelephant!" We all laughed as I opened the door. My face instantly dropped. Dana and Meghan were sitting on the couch talking, the rest of the boys no where to be found. My heart stopped and I stood frozen looking at the pair. She looked behind her and smirked, but soon replaced that smirk with a scared expression when Tesia tried to go after her. "What the fuck did I tell you!" She yelled. It took all 5 of us to hold her back but we did successfully. Dana looked scared, too, as I glared at him. While they dealt with Tesia I ran to my room trying not to let him see my tears.

"Fuck. Olivia!" He yelled after me. I slammed my door in his face and fell face first into my bed, groaning. He opened my door and walked in. "Olivia..."

"Get out." I said, but it was mumbled from my face being stuffed into my blankets. "Please just talk to me?" he begged. I scoffed and sat up. "Talk about what? About how even after you were told what she has done to me you continue to bring her around the house?" He sighed, "I'm sorry."

"You're apology means nothing, Dana. You've fucked up big time. I can't trust you, nor can I even talk to you." he stayed silent and so did I. "Get that two-faced whore out of here before I make her." He suddenly looked enraged. "She's not a two-faced whore!" He yelled. "Oh right! Cuz that's you. Ya know when you make out with her you should probably not do it when I'm home." He looked confused for a moment then realization hit. He looked guilty and tried to deny it. "Nonononono baby please it was a mistake!" He begged as I walked passed him and out my door. "No Dana, we're over forreal this time." His face showed hurt but I shrugged it off thinking he deserved to feel the way I have for a long time. "W-what do you mean?"

"I mean this, us. It's over. We are no longer a couple. I am not your girlfriend. You are not my boyfriend. We are both single people." I explained for him. "But I love you!" A tear fell down his cheek. Good. I hope this hurts. "If you loved me you would've never cheated on me. You wouldn't of given some other girl more attention than you gave me and you would of noticed I was present when I was. Do you even know what day it is?" I asked. He shook his head then looked at his phone. He gasped when he saw the date. Today marks our 11 month anniversary. "Olivia I-" I cut him off, "Goodbye, when I come back your new girlfriend better be out of this house." I said then walked to the living room where the girls were all glaring at Meghan. "We're leaving." I said. They nodded and walked out. Once we closed the door I broke down. Tears falling freely down my face like Niagara Falls. My whole body hurt. I loved him so much. I gave him all I could offer, but obviously that wasn't good enough. I hope she hurts him like he hurt me.

What Used To Be (Sequel to PT a Dana Vaughns fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now