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I sat in my room staring blankly at the ceiling. It's been two days since I got the news and I was waiting for Cameron to come over to talk about it. I was knocked out of my thoughts when my door flew open and someone ran and jumped on me. Once I noticed who it was I died lauging. "Kodi, get your fatass off me!" I joked then pushed her off of my bed. I laughed harder when she hit the ground. "Bitch." She mumbled and laughed.

"So, what's up?" I asked her. She shrugged, "I'm waiting for Cole." I nodded and gave her a look. "What?" She giggled. "What's going on with you two?" I'd been wondering that for a while. "Nothing, I guess. I mean, he has a girlfriend." I rolled my eyes at that. I was honestly surprised Colassidy, or whatever, was still a thing. They never hung out anymore. Cole spends all his time, now a days, with the boys, Kodi, and me. "Yeah, I know the feeling." I grumbled, hoping she didn't hear it. She arched her eyebrow and looked at me questioningly. She seemed to let it go because she sighed and carried on the conversation until there was a knock on the door. "Come in!" I yelled. Cam appeared at the door and Kodi took that as her queue to leave.

"Hey!" I smiled. He leaned down to kiss me. "So, what's going on?" He asked me, sitting on my bed next to me. "Well, the boys are going on tour!" A smile crossed his face. "Really!? That's great!" I nodded excitedly, "And I'm going with them!" His smile dropped, "Oh..." Cam looked down as he played with my fingers. "Yeahh..." Was all I could say. "What does this mean? What are we going to do?" I shrugged, "I'm not sure. I'll be gone for a long time... I guess we could try long distance?" He looked up at me. "But should we? I mean, you'll be out having an amazing time with your friends... There's timezones, too. You'll never have time for it; for me." I let out a sigh, knowing he was right. "I really like you, Olivia. Like, really, really like you, but I don't want to waste my time trying to keep a relationship that I'm the only one committed to." I looked at him confused. "Only one committed to? Cam, what does that even mean?" He shook his head. "Nevermind. I think we should break up, though. I don't want to hold you back from having the time of your life." I felt bad that, that made me slightly happy. I nodded, "Okay." was all I said. "Um, so yeah. Goodbye, Olivia. Have fun on tour." He didn't look happy at all. To be honest, he looked like he was going to cry; like he just made the worst mistake of his life. I gave him a small smile and he left my room. Once I heard the door close I fell back onto my bed. Well, I'm single.

A few weeks later I was in the living room watching Dr. Who with Dalton and Charlie. "Guys, what are you doing?" Jill asked frantically when she walked into the room. We just looked at her then back at the tv. She groaned, "Go pack!" She yelled. Finally, we decided to do what she said. I went to my room and started throwing everything into the purple suitcases the boys bought me. Once they were all filled, I got my Nike bag and put all of my important things that I would need on the plane in it. When I was finished I rolled my things to the front door and left them there, making my way back to my room. "Uh, hey! Liv!" I looked into the room the voice came from, Dana's room. "what's up?" He smiled at me and stood up from his position on top of his suitcase. "Can you help me?" I giggled and helped him zip it up.

"I can't believe we're going on tour!" Dana smiled. "I know, it's crazy to think that you idiots have fans." He mocked offense, making me laugh. "But really, this is so weird! I mean, my childhood best friend, William Behlendorf is actually famous??" Dana let out a cute laugh and nodded. "Yeah, it's weird to think all of those sold out shows are filled with people who want to see us. Like, we're nothin special. Just 5 friends that sing together." I nodded, understanding what he meant. "So much changed in so little time." I watched a small smile form on his face as he looked at the wall. "A lot sure has changed." I sighed. He looked up at me and our eyes met. "I'm glad you're coming with us, Liv." He smiled and inched closer to me. I moved away and smiled, "I'm glad I'm going, too." He stopped coming closer and just sat on his bed. "Are you two ready?" Jill asked, coming into the room. I looked up at her with a smile.

We made our way from the car and into the airport. Fans lined the walkway and blocked other people from getting through. I nervously clung to Tesia as we made our way through the building. "Calm your tits!" She laughed at me. "They are calm!" I hit her on the arm and we laughed. The crowd of girls yelled things at us and the boys stopped to sign something's and take pictures. "Olivia!" I turned around to see a group of 3 girls around my age. They all smiled sweetly at me so we went over to them. "Hi!" I smiled at them. "Oh my God! This is actually happening! You are standing right in front of me!" One girl in the back said as her friend tried to calm get down. I let out a giggle. "Sorry, she loves you. Well, we all do!" The girl in front of me said. "Can we get pictures?" I nodded and took a picture with all of them and then Tesia took a picture of all of us. "I have a question," A blond girl, who I found out to be Kelly, said. "I'm sorry if like I make things weird or something, but are you and Dana back together yet?" Tesia looked up at me like she was waiting for me to answer. "Uh, no. Dana has a girlfriend, remember?" The little one in the back, Rachel, groaned. "But she's a bitch!" I laughed at that. "Well that's something we can agree on." They all laughed, but then Alyssa, the one that was in front of me, turned serious. "But really, why is he with her?" I shrugged. I know the whole fandom knows why we broke up, but I don't know if they know who he cheated with. "Beats me. I just ignore them when she's there or talk to Dana a lot to make her mad. It's a funny sight, to be honest." We all laughed and carried on with our conversation until the boys came over with Kodi and Kc. I watched with much amusement as the 3 girls tried to contain their excitement. The boys took pictures with them and signed their phone cases. I noticed Dana give Rachel a hug. She whispered something in his ear and he looked over at me with a smile. I wondered what she said, but pushed it to the back of my mind.

Jill pushed us to hurry so I hugged the girls goodbye and we all ran off to security. Once we finished with that we found our terminal and waited to board the plane. The 10 of us looked at our tickets to see if we were sat near each other. Turns out I was seated in between Dana and Gabe. Cole, Kc, and Will were seated together and Dalton, Kodi, and Tesia were together. When we finally got on the plane I put my earbuds in and tried to ignore the boys next to me. "Olivia!" Gabe teased. I rolled my eyes and turned my music up louder. I bobbed my head to the beat of 'Natalie' by Bruno Mars. Bruno is a god. I ignored the boys and concentrated on Bruno's memorizing voice. Suddenly my world was broken into and I could hear what was going on beside me. "Dana!" I scolded, but when I saw him I couldn't help my smile. He sat dancing in his chair. "Natalie! She ran away with all my money!" Dana screamed to the other passengers. "Dana, shut up!" I giggled and tried to cover his mouth. "Natalie! She's probably out there thinking it's funny!" I laughed and successfully covered his mouth as he mumbled the lyrics into my hand. When he stopped squirming in his chair I dropped my hand. He chuckled and picked my hand back up, tangling our fingers together. My smile widened and my face reddened. I tried to bite back my smile, but it didn't work. The next son that played on my Bruno Mars playlist was 'Gorilla'. Dana and I continued looking at each other while he held my hand. He then lifted my hand and kissed it lightly, looking deeply into my eyes before whispering the words, "Bang bang, Gorilla." As serious as he could. I busted out laughing. And it was loud, but I couldn't stop. Dana laughed, too, but Gabe sat there confused.

By the end of the flight I was honestly sad that it was ending. I was having so much fun singing with Gabe and Dana. The flight attendant came by at least 3 times to tell us to quiet down before we landed at out destination. Houston, Texas.


I'm going through a Bruno Mars thing right now I'm sorry I've just had feels all day and yeah hahaha but come on can you blame me? It's Bruno Mars! Hahaha okay sorry.. but yeah I hope you liked it! 25 vote and 10 comments like usual!

And I just finished The Fault In Our Stars... I never read actual books an I finished it in less than 24 hours. I suggest you read it too bc like damn. I was bawling. It's such an amazing book an I cannot wait till the movie comes out in June! Augustus Waters is my man crush everyday. Omg. I'm emotional lmao but yeah

What Used To Be (Sequel to PT a Dana Vaughns fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now