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"Did you have fun?" Dana asked, tiredly as we tried to sneak through the crowd unnoticed. I nodded and smiled. "Yeah, David's a pretty cool guy." I admitted. Dana nodded in agreement and pulled me through the front door. The humid night air hit my skin as we made our short walk to where the tour bus was parked. Dana opened the large metal door for me and let me walk in before him. To be completely honest I think it's just so he can look at my butt. My suspicion was made clear when he smacked it and wolf-whistled. I rolled my eyes and giggled. "You're so weird. I'll be right back." I walked into the back room and grabbed a pair of sleep shorts and a cami and quickly changed, removing all of my make up as well.

When I walked back out Dana watched me intently while biting his lip. "C'mere, baby." He muttered, motioning me to sit on his lap. I shyly smiled and made my way across the small room towards him. I rested my hands on his shoulders as I straddled his lap. We merely stared at each other for quite some time. He still look exhausted, more than he did earlier. Noticing how soft his skin looked, I let my hand move up to his face and my thumb rub the skin on his cheek. I watched his eyes as he watched my own. I could see so much emotion in his, it was hard to explain. Happiness, compassion, and love, being only a few.

"I love you." I whispered before leaning my head down and pressing my lips against his. He kissed me back with just as much pressure and emotion as I did. His large hands gripped my waste as he pulled me closer to him. I moved myself, trying to get as close to him as I possibly could. "Olivia!" He hissed in pure pleasure. My eyes shot open in surprise. I did not mean to do that. He immediately kissed me with much more force. My eyes closed again and I opened my mouth allowing his tongue to explore my mouth.

We continued our game of tonsil tennis for a few more minutes, before Dana removed his mouth from mine and attached it to the nape of my neck. He kissed, nipped, and sucked all over my neck and chest causing me to whimper with excitement and delight. Dana held me close to him as he kissed my slightly sweaty skin with hunger and lust evident in his eyes and actions. "God, I love you." His voice was low and raspy and just down right sexy. He was clearly out of breath, but attached his lips to mine again, anyway.

"I bet they're in the bus." Tesia's loud voice called out from outside of the bus. "fuck!" Dana exclaimed. I quickly got off of him. If they would've walked in during that it would've been so awkward. "We will finish this," He pointed between the two of us with a suggestive smirk. "Another time." I giggled and nodded, pulling him off of the couch and leading him to my bunk. Right as we got in and settled comfortably in the bed, the sound of the bus door opening filled the entire place."Dana, Liv!" Cole shouted. "In here." Dana called out, snuggling closer to me. I smiled and pecked his lips.

The boys knocked out about 15 minutes after they got on the bus and I did soon after.

"Bro, stop." I heard a voice whine. I groaned and went to cuddle into Dana more, but all I felt were pillows. "You're so whipped!" Another voice teased. "So what? I love her." The first voice said again. I recognized that voice as Dana. "Awe you're so adorable!" The other voice cooed. I decided at that moment to get up. I jumped down from my bunk and tiredly scratched my head as I walked out into the living room/kitchen area. "Morning, baby." Dana smiled once he saw me. "Morning." I smiled back and bent down to peck his lips. He grabbed my waste and pulled me down on his lap. I noticed David's face on the screen of Dana's iPhone. "Hi, David!" I waved. He greeted me back and the three of us talked until he had to go.

Hours later my phone began to ring in my lap. "Hello?" I answered, thankful the noise stopped. "Wivi?" I huge smile lit up my face. "Ethan?!" I missed this kid. "Wivi," He yelled into the phone. "I miss you!" I let out a little giggle. "I miss you, too! What have you been up to?" Ethan then continued to talk about his recent trip to the zoo. I ended up talking to Ethan for a half hour before we stopped to get gas. I spent the rest of the day just lounging around with the others. All in all, it was a pretty good day.


Well that sucked. I'm sorry guys. You don't understand how bad I feel when I get writers block. I've been like brain dead for the passed week and a half lol

Who one a Fancall from Gabe?😏


What Used To Be (Sequel to PT a Dana Vaughns fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now