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"Hey pidge you almost done in there?" Shiro's strong leader like voice sounded in my helmet.
"Yeah give me a sec I almost got this!" I said typing away at the galra control panel.
"Pidge cmon' these so called soldiers aren't that much of a fight, I'm bored we need some real action." Lance said Cooley as he leaned up against the door way. He shoved his elbow into the gut of an oncoming enemy coming up behind him. He threw his gun and lance snatched it up mid air and shot him in the stomach...He's surly a goner.
"GOT IT!" I yelled in excitement and pressed a red self destruct button.
"Lance!" I grabbed his hand as I giggled maniacally.
"Watch this hehe!" I plugged my ears and ran out the the door and into a glass elevator we watched the whole half of the galra ship explode as we descended down the half blown up space ship, descending down into the galaxy.
"PIDGE WERE GONA DIE!!!" Lance screamed bloody murder clinging onto me.
"Hey shiro were done." I said through my Helmet intercom. The rest Of the ship exploded into a fiery mess and we were scooped up by a black flying Lion.
We were shoved into the cock pit our bodies colliding into the back with a hard thud..
"Nice job guys." Shiro congratulated us with a sense of laughter and enjoyment in his tone. Something I rarely sensed from him.
I ran up to him still laughing and tackled his whole arm. He was expecting a high five but he got me using his robot arm as a jungle gym.

"PIDGE ALMOST GOT IS KILLED IM NOT BACKING HER ANYMORE WHILE SHE HACKS GALRA SHIPS!" Lance screamed as he curled into fetal position. He was rocking back and forth, hyperventilating, trying to calm himself.
"LETS DO MORE!" I yelled squishing myself next to shiro in his chair.
"Did you have that coffee this morning?" He asked me.
I looked at him questioning him for a moment but then I remembered. We landed on this new planet that we just saved. The locals brought us presents and one was something that resembled coffee beans. I told Coran how to make coffee and he did. It tasted like black bitter coffee no matter how much creamer you added into it but I drank probably a gallon of it to stay awake. I didn't sleep last night at all.
"Well I checked it out and that has tons and tons of caffeine in it. Like all of its just pure caffeine." He informed me
"I need more of it then!!! This will be awesome while I stay up late at nights!" I presented my idea.
"No pidge. You have to sleep. Your body needs to rest." He babied me and fluffed my hair I knew he acted like a father to everyone on the team but he did it to me even more. He protected me like a precious jewel. Shiro also let me rarely go on an important part of a mission alone. Someone always has to be by me. Normally it was him or Keith but Keith was on a mission with hunk takin down a small cargo galra ship it was carrying some test subjects aka prisoners.

"Shiro?" I said tugging on his arm.
"Yeah pidge?" He asked, not taking his eyes off the galaxy as he drove through it.
"How long until we reach the castle?"
"It's gona be a while. Coran and Allura are helping the locals so they can't pick us up."
"Shiro I'm bored! Do u have any snacks on this thing?" Lance asked digging around in compartments.
I let out a big yawn and laid down in shiro's lap. I felt him tense up, unsure about my actions and why I did them.
"Uh pidge..?" He said shakily.
I was to drained to care about anything. I guess the coffee Didn't have the kind of affect I thought it would.
"Shut up I just want to sleep." I told him and closed my eyes gently.
I could hear his heart speed up and his legs were shaking gently.
I fell asleep pretty fast which was surprising because it was always hard for me to sleep.

"Katie? Wake up! You need to wake up! Don't die in me!" A voice said.
I tried to open my mouth but it felt glued shut. I couldn't move or make any noise. I was helpless.
"In awake! I'm not dead!" I wanted to yell.
A pair of strong arms wrapped around me followed by sobbing.
Then my vision gradually came back. I saw shiro. He was dirty and bloody. He was holding me and sobbing uncontrollably. The rest of the team was standing around him, giving him words of mourn. "She's in a better place now" I heard Lance say with his head bowed, he looked hurt but nothing compared to Keith. I could tell he was dead as well. This was the worst thing ever.
"LANCE IM OKAY! PLEASE STOP CRYING!" A voice screamed in my head. Suddenly u was able to talk but my mouth wasn't moving.
"Who said that?"
"It's pidge! Oh god what's happening!" I asked him
"I think we're dead...?" He sad unsure
"I don't like this how did we get here!" I told him.
"I don't know. I just remember being at the castle in bed and now I'm here!"
"I was sleeping on shiro. What is this place?"
"You were in shiro!?" He yelled
"I got tired while we were flying back and I curled up in his lap and slept. What's so wrong?" I asked trying to play dumb
"Would you curl up on my lap and sleep?"
"No!!!!" I yelled with a tone of disgust.
"You love him admit it"
"N-" I was cut off

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