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The rest of the night went by pretty smoothly. Me and pidge hung out for a while more and Keith and Lance argued like usual then had an extreme make up make out session.
I was in my room relaxing until I heard a knock.
"Y-yes? Come in." I said putting my book down. The door opened quietly. And Keith stepped in.
"Keith what are you doing here it's the middle of the night"
"I wanted to see if you were up for some late night training"
"Yeah sure"
"Come on Keith let's go!" Pidge yelled in a hushed tone down the hallway."
"Did you see if Lance and hunk wanted to join?"
Pidge asked as she stood in the hallway with all her gear on. She looked as small as always but a bit intimidating. In the dark.
"Nah Lance and hunk are having bros night. Thanks for getting me out of manicures and face masks Pidge." Keith said as she gave her a high five.
"No problem. I'm assuming shiro is coming with us?"
"Yeah." I said as we walked down the the hangers so me and Keith could get our gear.
Once we finished getting our gear we headed back to we're Pidge was waiting.
"You ready?" She asked us as she fiddled with her hands.
"Yeah let's go" I said as we started walking down the hall to where the training room should be.
"What are you three doing up this late?" Coran stoped us and asked with a worried expression.
"And with you suits?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Just some late night training." Pidge smiled.
"Pidge go get some sleep. Everyone knows how you work yourself to death. This isn't healthy." Coran took her helmet off of her and pushed her to the side.
"Pidge?" Keith looked at her with a worried expression.
"I just want to find Matt! All we do is fight and train! It's like nobody cares my family is gone!" She yelled.
"Pidge! We do care!" I yelled as I grabbed her by the arm."
"Then let me train shiro! I would expect you to be the most understanding about this!"
"I do!" I yelled.
"Then let me train." She said back with tears in her eyes.
I pulled her in a tight hug.
"I can't do that." I muffled my voice in her hair.
"Let's go to bed. You need to sleep." I said quietly and picked her up.
"Is she going to be okay?" Coran asked me.
I nodded.
"Better Take good care of her shiro." Keith whispered to me as we walked down to our bedrooms.
Pidge was draped over my shoulder and I could feel her playing with my hair.
"I will" I said with a smile. I could tell Pidge wasn't listening to us.
"She's like a sister to me." He said in a more serious tone.
We both walked into my room. I dimmed the lights and laid the half asleep Pidge on my bed, and I sat next to her.
"Lance is still with hunk, mind if I chill here for a bit?" Keith asked as her made himself comfortable on my bed next to Pidge and I.

Pidge was eerily quiet. She hasn't said a word for a while now. I was starting to worry that something might be on her mind.
I had lots of pictures on my walls. Pictures of us at different planets. Saving the universe. But I also had pictures of me at garrison. I could tell Pidge was looking at them. Trying to spot people she knew. I watched her as her gaze slowly brought it's was to my bed side table. It was one of my favorite pictures. The one from garrison.
Her hand reached for it and she picked it up.
"Pidge? What do you have there?" Keith asked as he looked at the picture with him.
Her finger ran over the faces all dressed in the same orange and white attire.
Then it stopped at two faces in the front.
It was me and Matt.
"It's Matt." She spoke quietly.
"He looks just like you." Keith said.
"I guess they do look pretty similar." I said smiling. I  kissed the top of her head and took the picture away from her and put it back on the wall.
"Let's get our armor off." Keith said taking his suit off.
I followed at so did Pidge.
"Keith and I were already in pajamas under our armor while Pidge was in a dirty, oil stained pair of overalls.
"Pidgeee?" Keith whined.
"I was going to work on my lion after we trained." She admitted.
I frowned at her.
"Stop working yourself so much."
"Yeah a little nugget like you needs thee nugget rest." Keith said as he ruffled her hair.
She slipped out of her overalls to the pajamas she has underneath.
"Keeeeeeeef?" A small voice whispered from the crack of the door.
"Come in Lance." He said and rolled his eyes jokingly.
Lance shuffled in the room and dove into Keith's lap from behind him. He landed upside down but flipped himself so he sat between Keith's crossed legs.
"Where did hunk go?" He asked as he gave Lance a peck on the head.
"Oh he ditched me to video chat his space girlfriend."
"They started doing some weird kinky shit my virgin eyes were not prepared for."
"Oh my poor baby your safe now." Keith said giving him a hug.
"Shiro I want to be like them some day." Pidge said tugging at his sleeve.
"Gay?" I asked
"no. N-not gay."
"Wow Pidge I didn't know we had fans!" Lance said flattering himself a bit too much.
"I envy you two, you're just so cute together!" She squealed
"You're just as bad as Allura."
I joked with her as I pulled her towards me. I sat her in my lap and wrapped my arms around her preventing her from leaving.
She giggled then curled up in my lap like a kitten.

"We should get going, You two need some rest." Lance said and patted us both on the heads.
"Let's go Lance. Bye guys see you in the morning." Keith said as he walked towards the door.
"Keeeef carry me?" Lance asked as he reached out to Keith like a child.
"Fine." Keith sling him over his shoulders and left, turning the lights out on his way.

WOW 5k? I don't deserve this!!!!!! Sorry for not Posting I'm a busy child but I promise I'll post more over the summer! Finals are coming up and shit so I'll try to post some smol chapters in here and there. This one was a bit long sorry. I don't really like long chapters when I read becuase I just find it over whelming but I'm sure some people do so here ya go! Bye lovlies!!!~

Just another voltron book (shidge klance)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang