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'We have all been in the same repetitive schedule since we got here. Wake up, eat, train, sleep.
We're all restless. Everyone is out of sorts and restless.'

"Rise and shine lovers! Everyone's favorite gay made breakfast!" Lance said as he pounced on me and Shiro.
"WHAT THE HELL LANCE!" Shiro screamed in a high pitched, panicky voice."
"Yeah what gives?" I said more calmly than Shiro.
A muffled yell could be heard from down stairs yelling."Lance! I told you to stop calling me the gay!!!!"
Lance rolled his eyes and giggled at Keith's disapproval for his new name.
"You two wanna get up?"
"I'm up." I said as rolled out of bed onto my feet. The ground was very old so I instantly got goosebumps.
Shiro got out of bed and put his arms around me with a blanket to keep me warm.
He proceeded to pick me up bridal style, still wrapped in the blanket.
I smiled as he held me tight in his warm embrace.
"Why did you two sleep in so long?" Lance asked as he walked down the hallway.
"I don't know." I said wrapping my arms around shiro.
As. We made our way down the hall way we were greeted with hunk and Keith arguing in the kitchen
"No Keith! You can't flip the pancakes now you just poured them!!" Hunk yelled as Keith desperately tried to get a half cooked pancake on his spatula.
"Keith stop." Hunk said unimpressed with Keith's cooking tactics.
"How about you go set the table." Hunks offered as he pushed Keith away from the stove.
"Looks like your not made out to be a chef ." Shiro said as he put me down and ruffled Keith's hair.
"Hey I tried." Keith said with a shrug as he flopped into lances arms trust fall style.
"Hey I have a question." Lance said getting our attention
"Fire away" Shiro said as he flopped on the couch next to Lance and Keith. I sat next to him.
"Where are Allura and Coran?"
"No clue haven't seen them all morning." Hunk said as he put breakfast on the table.
"But foods ready!" He added and we all got up and raced to to table.
"Thanks hunk this is amazing!" I said with a mouth full of food.
Everyone else was still putting food on their plates.
"Jeez Pidge slow down your might choke!" Keith warned me.
"Glad you like it!" Hunk said with a tone of amusement.
It was the first meal that looked somewhat earth like. I never thought I could be this excited about a familiar food such as just hash browns but i was wrong.
"I see everyone's up." A voice said from the hallway.
After the voice footsteps grew louder.
"Hello paladins." Allura greeted us with Coran by her side.
His hands were behind his back and head was held up almost formal like.
"Good morning princess, and Coran " shiro greeted them.
"We have some news." Coran started to speak
"Exciting news!" Allura butted in
"We're going-"
"Allura we have to explain our reasoning first!" Coran butted in.
"All right, as you may see were are no longer on that planet any more." Allura said and gestured toward the window.
"Wow we're in space again." Lance said unenthusiastic. Keith elbowed him and he let out a small yelp.
"That is because we are traveling back to earth!" Allura said!
"WERE GOING HOME!!! THAT IS AMAZING!" Lance shot up and yelled. Everyone was cheering and yelling in excitement..but me.
"NO!" I yelled louder than everyone as I hit the table.
"We can't go back! my family is still lost in space we have to find them!"
"I'm sorry Pidge we haven't found them maybe they will turn up on earth?" Coran said placing a hand on my shoulder.
"No! Their out there!"
A moment of silence went over us sending chills on tension down our spines
"I'm siding with Pidge, I still want to find out who I am, and why I'm galra." Keith said standing up next to me.

"Pidge I'm sorry, look I know more than anyone how it feels to loose family, you just have to let it go."

My body shook at every word she said. I could hear my pulse in my head. I never thought I would hear those words.

I felt my body crumble to the ground and tears flowed from my eyes like a flood.
"Pidge." She said and reached for me.
"NO!" I yelled and shot up.
We were face to face, the tension only rises.
"I will find my family." I said looking her dead in the eyes, and ran off


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