Moving In

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       Oh hey didn't see you there my name is Alyssa I'm an 18 year old teen that's learning about life. I have some pretty exiting things happening for the next few days. I am going to college I can't wait but I am also sad I don't wanna have to leave my family but I have to learn a little more about life before I move on. The good side is I will have a roommate I really hope she is nice and we become good friends cause if not it's real gonna suck.
       Ummm let me tell you a little about myself. I have a very fun personality I am always smiling. It is pretty hard to get me to cry and I mean it. My favorite food ever is hot chicken wings yum they are just so good. My best friends name is Hanna it's gonna be hard to not be with her for a long period of time. Oh did I mention I live in Tennessee I am going to college in California I can't wait to go to the beach it's gonna be fun. I love making new friends I feel better she I always have someone to talk to.
        So today is Monday I will be leaving Wednesday afternoon so I need to get to work on packing my stuff. I have a little sister named Lilly and she is 14. She is not happy with me leaving we are actually really close. I try to think of the positive side not the bed side of things. People don't understand why I am always happy I guess it just me lol.
         I wake up to my sister screaming at me telling me to get up and get ready or I'm gonna miss my flight which that would be really bad. I put my hair up in a high messy bun and I put on a quick natural layer of makeup and some leggings and a sweatshirt I know I probably look bad got I gotta be comfy. It has been an hour so far on the plain and I'm really bored and anxious and scared cause I don't like to fly I love heights but I just don't like to fly. Finally we have landed and I had to wait 15 minutes for my driver to pick me up and take me to where I need to go. At this point I am about to explode I'm so exited I've always wanted to go to college really.
           We have made it to the school it is huge and beautiful on the outside I can't wait to see it on the inside. The driver and I got all my stuff out of the car and I was able to take it in by myself so I told him goodbye and thanks for the the ride. He was actually a really nice man. As soon as I walked into the school some girl greets me and she looked really nice and she was really nice and pretty she took me to the office so I could get my stuff. The lady at the desk handed me a paper which was my schedule and key 213 to my dorm.
Hey this is probably a bad first chapter I am new at writing long stories but this will be good❤️❤️❤️ily
—peace my lil monkeys

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